The book, An American Postal Portrait: A Photographic Legacy is about the history of the US Postal Service from 1860 through 2000.

To begin with, my sincere thanks to stamp club buddy Jimmy for calling it to my attention recently. In looking it up, I really thought I had already blogged about it.
How much fun it is to be sharing about it with us all being able to take advantage of the sale pricing.
An American Postal Portrait book by the US Postal Service
The issue date is showing 1/20/2012.
“… first-ever photographic history of the United States Postal Service. It pays tribute to the everyday people who have worked through rain, sleet, and snow to bring mail to American families.
In over 200 rarely seen photographs, beginning with the advent of photography in 1860 and continuing to the present, An American Postal Portrait celebrates the fascinating behind-the-scenes stories, the innovative technological accomplishments, and the unique imprint the Postal Service workforce has made on American life…”
By ordering the hardback coffee table book today for $15.95 is over 49% off the retail price of $31.50. Furthermore, the shipping was only $1.30. This is definitely something to consider ordering while still available and also taking advantage of the sale.
Join me tomorrow for two items. First, we are surprising someone who I’m seeing is realizing a big blogging anniversary, so this will be fun recognizing them. And secondly, we will be closing out the month of June with my monthly blog recap. Until then…
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
AnchoredScraps “Every Stamp Tells a Story” book, August 25, 2017