Etch A Sketch Printable Fathers Day Card by ZakkaLife
It is one of many free printables at ZakkaLife website.
At the link below it will take you to the download pdf file, it is free. It takes you through the step by step of printing, and assembly.
Join me tomorrow for my Father’s Day blog post. Until then…
Anchors Aweigh,
Etch A Sketch Printable Fathers Day Card Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today
Printable: Father’s Day Card by Jessica Okui Posted on May 30, 2014
Image Fun with Washi!: 35 Ways to Instantly Refresh Your Home, Accessories, and Packages with Washi Tape Paperback – August 19, 2014
by Jessica Okui (Author), Angie Cao (Photographer)
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