Cooper Writes a Letter & Woof-derful Notes Printable is greeting us on this Friday morning! There is is exactly one more week in July 2020 remaining this month.

For our new AnchoredScraps email blog subscribers, Cooper is our family dog, a four-year-old Brittany Spaniel. Like most Brittanies, he has two speeds – full blast and full stop!
Recently he has been expressing an interest in writing a letter – he was expressing this interest by showing me one of my ball point pens he was carrying around in his mouth sideways like it was a bone; however, he was successful taking the cap off first! We are planning on having him sign his note with his paw with a nod to finger painting influence.
Woof-derful Notes Printable
Our letter writing prompt today is the Woof-derful Notes I have created. You will notice the paw prints – that was Cooper’s suggestion!
The printable is for your dog(s) sending to friend’s dog(s). For our feline pet owners reading, I will be working on adding a version for them too – stay tuned.
Addendum hlr 07-28-2020 PDF printable button updated
Before closing, I’m including these recent photos of Cooper. Enjoy!
Here’s to a Woof-derful Friday!
Anchors Aweigh,
You may also enjoy AnchoredScraps Celebrating presenting Cuddy’s Pawville Quilt today, June 26, 2020
My sincere thanks to Pawville Surf City for the photos.
Pawville SurfCity North Carolina Excellent Dog Boarding Kennel