We are enjoying Richard Binder Fountain Pens Free e-Newsletter, along with our next AnchoredScraps survey! The survey is perfect for including as its focus is on what kind of letter writing tools do you use?
The image I’m sharing is of the Nib Noise March 2021 Volume 19 Number 11 currently available by subscribing for his free monthly e-newsletter. In addition, I’m including a screenshot from his website with the link for requesting. Also while there one can view it digitally in PDF format! Be sure to make the time to subscribe as it is full of fantastic fountain pen information.
Richard Binder Nib Noise Fountain Pen Free E-Newsletter
Survey Focus on letter writing tools: Fountain Pens, Pencils, Laptops, & Typewriters
Next, we are continuing our Getting to know you March 2021 Focus with our second survey. For this aspect of letter writing we are looking at What We Write With – our letter writing tools: Fountain Pens, Pencils, Laptops, & Typewriters! The purpose of the series of surveys we are having is for getting to know you better with focus areas with our letter writing pursuits.

Addendum notes from Helen: Initially when posting this blog post, I made note I was running into internet access issues and would be including the survey shortly. However, fast forward and between navigating the technical maze of internet access outage, site database being rebuilt, and fine tuning the survey tools settings, I subsequently made the decision to reschedule the survey to my upcoming Sunday blog post.
In addition, will also include the third survey planned for Sunday too. This means there will be two surveys on Sunday. Their results will be sharing in upcoming Wednesday, March 31, 2021 blog post for closing out March. Many thanks for your understanding.
See you back here on Sunday!
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2075
Attribution & Thanks to richardspens.com/info/nibnoise.