On this Wednesday, April 21st we have a World Stationery Day 2021 Printable. It is a free pdf file for downloading and printing locally at your printer. Great for having something commemorating today’s day! And, welcome to our newest email blog subscribers.
It was a fun experience last evening having our first zoom virtual meeting for the Wilmington Philatelic Society. We are continuing to be on the search for a facility for us to meet in person and seeing that on the horizon.

The month of April is two-thirds way through and National Letter Writing Month continues! How perfect for it to be World Stationery Day 2021! You’ll want to check out Pen Chalet, their website is celebrating the day with special coupon and special discounts.
This free pdf file is for downloading and printing locally at your printer. I have put it together today and enjoying the bright springtime colors!
Last year, my blog post on World Stationery Day was on April 29th, 2020.
I’m hoping this is finding you making lots of progress on your April goals! See you back here on Sunday! In the meantime, here’s to celebrating World Stationery Day 2021!
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2083
Attribution & Thanks to Pen Chalet