On procrastinating & sending more snail mail is our blog focus; I’m smiling to myself noting the time of posting today’s blog post! With next weekend being the long Memorial Day weekend it is a great time to get a note off into the mail, knowing later this week we’ll have made someone’s day when it arrives.
This photo of a set of metal mail boxes, with one of the flags raised awaiting its pickup is inspiring to me. Sending more snail mail is a goal I aspire to do more of. I’m using this post as a reminder for writing one letter at a time and getting it into the outgoing mail!
Furthermore, the blog post title card photo today brings to mind the photo I was using for my Memorial Day Holiday Weekend blog post back on May 27, 2016; in that photo the mailboxes are real rusty!

On procrastinating & sending more snail mail
From time to time here I’ve shared about my RoundTuit Letters, for the famous “when I get around to it”. I’m mentioning them as they help remind and nudge us along. In addition, here is a link that will take you to my post on Round Tuit Letter Writing.
As we wrap up, I’m all the more mindful these days of how important the cumulative difference of what we do each day does add up. We are continuing the month with my Setting aside letter writing time challenge for May 2021.
I’m hoping this post helps us get at least one letter out into the mail this week! See you back here on Wednesday.
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2092
P.S. In anticipation of next weekend, here’s a link over at History.com on about Memorial Day. This year it will be on May 31, 2021.