It is fun sharing these on-the-go composition letters today. They provide a convenient, frugal, and DIY for having letter writing with us IRL (in real life).
In addition, be sure to read my before closing section as there is a special pictorial postmark for tomorrow’s date, of October 25, 2021 for the 100th Anniversary World War I Return Of The Unknown Soldier.
On Saturday before leaving the house, I knew I would have some “waiting” time while away. Knowing I had this pink Composition Book from the Dollar Tree in my little tub in the floor board of the back seat, I was able to tuck it into my tote bag when I got out of the car. And sure enough, I had some waiting time on my hands and was able to write a longer than usual letter to a pen pal filling up ten pages! It will go out in Monday’s mail.
Next, I’m sharing this Notes 1 from the process
For me, I opted to write the letter while in the bound book format knowing I would be taking the pages out when back home – as I did not want to lose them. It was only upon looking over the letter after writing it that I discovered two of the pages had stuck together – so I opted for inserting a P.S. over the two pages – which I’m sharing in the below image.
In addition, my Notes 2 photo is showing my on-the-go composition letter pages removed from the 5 x 7 composition book – I was able to do without a straight edge to guide it against. The pages are sewn so they do pull out easily with a little help.
About My On-The-Go Composition Letters Book I Used
There are 60 wide rule sheets in the composition notebook, and this durable poly cover was one dollar at my local Dollar Tree. In looking at their online listing, I’m not seeing the 5 x 7 size available; however, they do include 9.5 x 7.75-inch size with 70 sheets with four colors in neon with 24 in the box, so for $24. They are not showing free in-store pickup available for it at my location – they do offer shipping it UPS directly to me.

On a whimsical note, I’m hoping you have had fun with the writing in the smudged words. This pen pal is one of the first I was sharing about upcoming news for the blog which I’ll be announcing here next Sunday! Enjoy considering writing your own on-the-go composition letters.
Before Closing: Last but not least – making Note of a Special Pictorial Postmark for tomorrow’s date
In the USPS Postal Bulletin 22583 this past Thursday is including a special Pictorial Postmark available for October 25, 2021.
The address is for requesting it is as follows:
October 25, 2021
USS New Jersey Chapter #90, Universal Ship Cancellation Society
USS Olympia Station
3000 Chestnut Street, Room 1107
Philadelphia, PA 19104-9998
Should you find yourself knowing its a really busy week – know there are 30 days to get your request into them. The link above shares the process for requesting.
See you back here on Wednesday.
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2136
Attribution & Thank you Dollar Tree, USPS Pictorial Postmarks Announcement links above