With the New Year it means it is time to send out our Christmas Thank You Notes! I’m including a few suggestions of what to include in them.
Consider this among our New Year’s Resolutions – with this one among our letter writing aspirations. It is a great way for kicking off 2022!
Receiving a wonderful hand written thank you note in the mailbox yesterday is prompting me with this reminder for us. Among the letters we send and receive, probably one of the rarest these days is sending and receiving any Christmas Thank You Notes. And yet, they are priceless and kept bringing a smile again when seeing and re-reading them.
Even in this digital age, even receiving a (digital) thank you can feel obsolete
The practice of Sending Christmas Thank You Notes is not obsolete; however, they are more rare to receive these days in our digital world. I’m sure though, that one could counter – that even receiving one by email or ecard is also rare. On an aside, I know that at times it is easy to think, “well, I never receive any…”; however, by sending them we help set the example.
While I have begun boxing up some of the Christmas decorations, I’m mindful this week I really need to stop and write about receiving some really special gifts this season. I’m encouraging us to send out at least three to five Christmas Thank You Notes before the month gets away from us.

Here are a few suggestions of things to include in our Christmas Thank You Notes
Before sharing my suggestions, just a reminder, to make sure we spell the person’s name correctly. And it is fine to send on simple paper. The stationery does not have to be elaborate – it is our heartfelt thanks we are conveying. What we don’t want is for it to look rushed.
- Thank you for the (describe) gift item along with brief description of it
- I’m so looking forward to using it for many years. I know when using it – I’ll be reminded of you.
- Thank you for making the time to select the gift and sending to me. I know the steps of wrapping and shipping means even extra effort and expense, please know it is most appreciated!
- It was so special to get to see you during the Holidays. Thank you for making the time to travel all this distance to see us! Knowing the travel challenges these days makes it extra special we were all together
- You both are such great hosts! We so appreciate you hosting (the event). Having us all of us over to visit was extra special. Your home looked so festive. I know it takes extra time for decorating and having company visit.
- Your home made gift of (describe) is especially wonderful! Thank you for the beautiful job you did. It is truly special!
- Again, my sincere thanks for your generosity! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!
As we conclude today’s post, please believe me that by making the time to write and send out our Christmas Thank You Notes the person we write will definitely remember we sent one!
Thank you for joining me today. I’m excited about the future and what we be covering in the year ahead here at AnchoredScraps! In the meantime, here’s to a great week ahead!
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2148
P.S. You may also enjoy from a previous blog post, December 29, 2018, Sending Christmas Thank You Notes Printable; it is available DigitalDownloadShop Etsy.