This morning we are kicking off the week with Monday Motivation Sending Snowflake Letters!
Given today marks the day Sylvester Stallone began filming Rocky in 1976, think of the music of him running in Philadelphia as we begin the new week!

As part of getting ready for hand-made Valentines in February, today’s blog post suggests creating some of these Paper Snowflakes – and going a step further – using for writing letters and mailing them!
Over at they include these beautiful Paper Snowflake patterns with instructions. They offer twelve different free printable snowflake templates patterns.
This YouTube of Rocky was included here back in 2015 on September 1 in my daily blog post: Gonna Fly through Fall (Sept. thru Dec. planning) – including describing how COLD it was and getting to run up those same flight of steps in 2008!
There were five sequels of Rocky so I’m thinking it is fine to include the video here again!
This YouTube of “Rocky” from 1976, less than 4 minutes, Training Montage.
Thank you for joining me today. Even if it is COLD outside we can get moving. Go ahead and crank up the sound and view the movie clip in full screen – Happy Monday!
Anchors Aweigh,
Monday Motivation Sending Snowflake Letters Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today Paper Snowflake
This Day in History: January 09. 1976 Stallone starts filming Rocky
YouTube Rocky (8/10) Movie CLIP – Training Montage (1976) HD. Posted by MovieClips. Published on Feb 19, 2014. Thank you to MovieClips (On Twitter @MOVIECLIPS). blog post: Gonna Fly through Fall (Sept. thru Dec. planning) September 01, 2015 by Helen Rittersporn.