Looking Ahead Notes – In praise of daily routines!

Looking Ahead Notes reflects what I’m seeing with two full work weeks remaining in front of us for July 2020. At the end of my post, I’m sharing the inspiring motivation behind coming up with today’s topic and this focus.

On this Sunday, I’m sharing some goal setting I’m doing with AnchoredScraps.

Looking Ahead Notes – Let’s hear it for daily routines!

First of all, for the rest of July, I am committing for the next two weeks to be posting this daily blog each morning by 6 AM Eastern. For any of our morning readers of this blog, and for those over the pond with time zone difference, I’m wanting to consistently be posted for us to start the day off together. 

So we’ll make that item 1 on my Notes is posting by 6 AM Eastern.

Next, and with a routine in mind, I’m planning in each blog to have a call to action for a letter-writing topic that day. My thinking is should one be reading the post along with their morning coffee, hot tea, iced tea, diet coke, water or other beverage of choice, that it is encouraging us to be putting pen to paper and jot off that five-minute note to someone and we can then walk it to the mailbox!

So for item 2 on my Notes is a letter-writing topic for the day. 

Among future Looking ahead Notes, I am planning on introducing my own printables from time to time. I’m learning how to create them and they will be free and downloadable here. In addition, yes, there is “talk” of another Zoom call which I will share in the near future.

Inspiring Motivation Behind Today’s Topic & Focus

While catching up on the phone with a dear friend earlier today, she was sharing she was happily observing my posting daily was keeping me in a routine. Specifically, she was coming across friends who were feeling “out of their normal routine”.  It is motivating me to be sharing this with us here, realizing it is reinforcing a daily routine for us.  I am always appreciating her special insights and am printing off today’s blog and putting into the mail to her with my written Thank you! 

And thank you to you, for continuing to be on this daily blog journey with me. Here’s to a great week ahead!

See you tomorrow to kick off the new week – by 6 AM Eastern!

Anchors Aweigh,  







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