Hot off the presses: HEART SPOKEN How to Write Notes that Connect, Comfort, Encourage, and Inspire

Hot off the presses! HEART SPOKEN is the newly released book by Elizabeth Cottrell, with the publishing date of July 15, 2022!

One of the joys of writing this blog on letter writing are connecting with other kindred letter writing enthusiasts. This past month receiving the beautiful email from Elizabeth introducing herself, her book, and website is a joy to share here.  

In her email to me she was sharing she is a long time fan of Anchored Scraps! Furthermore, it is a joy to share she has included the AnchoredScraps blog in the book’s Appendix of Resources. 

“Heartspoken: How to Write Notes that Connect, Comfort, Encourage, and Inspire will guide you to uncovering your own unique note-writing voice and give you the confidence to use it…”

& In Case You tend to be TLDR….

So in case you fall under the category of TLDR (Too Long Didn’t Read) I’m sharing the key points here as follows.

The Heart Spoken Website is here.  

The new book is available online at

I’m personally ordering the hardback of it and looking forward to its arrival!

Elizabeth Cottrell is a “freelance writer, ghostwriter, and blogger called to encourage readers to strengthen the bonds of faith, family, and friends and to cultivate the joy and impact of personal, handwritten notes and letters”.

Other fun & cool things to check out with Heartspoken:

There is the monthly Compass Points Newsletter along with “Connection Magic” Guide for subscribing on the home page.

For those of you on Facebook, she has a Facebook Group called “The Art of the Heartspoken Note”.

As we wrap up today, my sincere thanks to Elizabeth for sharing her kindred spirit encouraging writing letters in her book. She has my enthusiastic respect for undertaking and achieving taking on writing this book while also maintaining writing for her blog!

Here’s to a great week ahead! Remember that the letters you write DO make a difference to the recipient!  

Anchors Aweigh,  


Attribution & Thanks to Heartspoken (images and links above)



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