Welcome letter writing enthusiasts and those new and/or rediscovering the joys of letter writing. We celebrate letter writing here!

AnchoredScraps letter writing blog encourages old-style correspondence through handwritten letters between kindred souls since 2015

Whether the topic focuses on buying your first fountain pen, downloading a printable for jotting down a few whimsical sentiments, sending a post card, dusting off your typewriter, the joys of selecting vintage or new postage to our envelope cachets, adding to our stationery stash, or simply hand-writing a letter – it’s all fun and part of the journey with a blog post by Helen Rittersporn. 

Here you will find ongoing encouragement to regularly carve out a few precious moments to connect with others via “old” styles of correspondence, specifically in letter writing. 

AnchoredScraps Blog Posts

Helen Rittersporn

#PenATweet Day: 1st July 2015

Welcome to the month of July on AnchoredScraps.com.    Today, July 1st, is #PenATweet Day to promote handwriting. A Teacher in the UK (On Twitter @TeacherToolkit) in his post he shares how he and Jean Edwards (On Twitter @JeanEd70) went about declaring July 1st for #PenATweet Day to celebrate

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Bubblegum Dispenser
Helen Rittersporn

June 2015 Recap

Today’s blog post is a recap in table format of the blog posts in June.   It includes the blog post number.  Today marks blog post number 125! Thank you for being along on this journey with me.   Today has been a great day for snail

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Helen Rittersporn

“Kid’s Summer Letter Writing Club”

Welcome to a new week on AnchoredScraps.com!   Today’s blog post should be of interest to many of us especially as we enter the heart of Summer with weeks to go and before talk of back-to-school.   It was a delight to find this book:  “Kid’s Summer

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Helen Rittersporn

Summer blooms & letters

Today we are looking at the cumulative effect of our efforts – that they do add up –  whether for our flowers and/or letters! This is probably the fastest month of June I can recall in some years! For several days now going on weeks, we

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Helen Rittersporn

Summer postcards

Today’s blog post is about remembering to send those Summer postcards!  One of the things I make it a point to pick up when traveling are postcards from the area, even if it is for an overnight or day trip.  If I can pick up

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Helen Rittersporn

Dear Tooth Fairy

This is the letter I have written to the Tooth Fairy today. Dear Tooth Fairy, Today’s visit to the dentist saved my tooth and alas I have no need of putting my tooth under my pillow. What is the going rate these days for

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