Today on Complement Thursday we are showcasing Edelweiss Post.
Twitter is once again the origin for my discovering today’s gem: Edelweiss Post – which specializes in Custom Vintage Postage & Stationery. The logo shown today (upper left) is used with permission. A few weeks back I saw a reply to my tweet “Today’s blogpost: Enjoying Whimsy ” about kite flying.

@EdelweissPost Mar 31 @HELENSStudio I think kites would make an excellent stamp subject! I can’t believe there aren’t any~
@HELENSStudio Mar 31 @EdelweissPost Thank you! That was a fun blogpost. I’m enjoying looking at your Etsy stationery sets!
Then I inquired through the Custom button on their Etsy site about any U.S. stamps with anchors on them – and he had some! When my order arrived I was hooked – these stamps are beautiful and I’m enjoying using them! My first order arrived in a great envelope bedecked with stamps and hand written addressing with a note inside – great customer service!
About Edelweiss Post
Patrick describes himself as a “stamp curator” and is a card-carrying member of both the American Philatelic Society and the Letter Writers Alliance. “Edelweiss Post is bringing back the lost art of letter writing and snail mail sending with a focus on curated postage stamps. This vintage postage shop was conceived in Minneapolis by Patrick Dea, whose love of stamps is probably genetic. To honor his stamp-collecting grandfather’s legacy, he used vintage postage stamps for mailing his 2011 wedding invitations and began curating vintage postage collections of his own.

This online boutique understands that internet, for all its efficiency and convenience, has made communication something you cannot touch, cling to, keep, and pass down. When is the last time you received a colorful postcard from a far-off place, a thoughtful hand-written letter, or a tactile party invitation in your mailbox?
And the stamps, they aren’t simply beautiful pieces of tiny, limited edition art, although they are! Postage stamps are enchanting little tickets which allow your thoughts and feelings to fly in physical form to whomever on earth you choose. That’s real magic. ”
Edelweiss Post has some beautiful different sets of stationery – there was a Mother’s Mail Card Pre-Stamped Vintage Postage Mom Mail that was gorgeous. (Photo below left). And the Mark Twain Stationery Set caught my eye. If you are new to Etsy I encourage you to try it – I’ve been on Etsy since 2009.

What I love most is the uniqueness of stationery being offered that you will not find elsewhere. For my family members who are email subscribers to my blog, please help me keep Mom’s Mother’s Day card a surprise !
Thank you to Patrick for his continuing to offer a great selection of Custom Vintage Postage & Stationery along with his fantastic customer support!
Tomorrow on we will continue to cover the Stamp Club posting from yesterday. In the meantime I hope you will visit Edelweiss Post as we are now mid-way in this month of National Letter Writing Month!
Anchors Aweigh,