Kitchen recipe-storage treasures

“X” marks the spot for buried treasure in your kitchen for storing our recipes!

We are mid-way through the week with our focus on organizing our recipes in the kitchen so we can have our top five ones we want to share in letters to friends and family members.

Today I conducted my own treasure hunt for office supplies around the house that I could re-purpose for storing recipes.

It yielded the following results:

  • plastic upright file folder container with hanging file folders
  • three-ring plastic liner
  • three ring notebook
  • manila envelope
  • plastic milk crate
  • 8 1/2 x 11 plastic shoe box
  • bright green sharpie pen, black sharpie pen

After work I was able to stop by the dollar store and was able to locate:

  • 3 x 5 inch lined index cards (package of 100) for 49 cents
  • 4 x 6 inch lined index cards (package of 100) for 88 cents
  • ‘Reward stickers’ size of a quarter each – great for putting onto the index cards for embellishing – package of 568 stickers on sale for 80 cents.
  • All three of these items were located in the school supply/office supply section.

I’m looking through the pantry to see if a box once it is ‘used-up’ can then be decorated and used for storing the recipe cards, even if I have to cut it to be shorter from a taller box.

Your mission is to see if you can locate some supplies already in your home.

If you do decide to go out to the dollar store see what you can find for no more than $5 maximum for the trip.  I was really happy to find for less than $2.50!  See if you can look through the ‘big kitchen junk drawer’ for any school supplies/office supplies that may  jump out at you that you can see using for decorating your own recipe cards we will be creating.   If you can locate a three ring notebook, and/or if there is an old-style photo album with inserts for pages and photos you can use for storing all of these loose recipes, or even old magnetic style albums.

“X” on the map also means where I will find the elusive digital camera of mine today!   It has been a really busy day and the camera is actually ‘somewhere’ – I think I saw Cuddy looking at it earlier !

With that, enjoy the scavenger hunt for office supplies.  We will start putting it all together tomorrow.

Anchors Aweigh,  




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