It is a joy to share today’s blog post topic on this Tuesday of Thanksgiving week via my stamp club friend who shared finding the Art Cover Exchange (ACE).
The group is over thirty years old.
From the stamp collecting world when they say “cover” think envelope(s).
Their home page quotes :
“The Art Cover Exchange (ACE) promotes art, philately, friendship, and correspondence among its members. The special emphasis of the group is in the artistic presentation of postal covers for exchange.”

You will want to view their ACE Gallery of Covers (by theme) including this one from their Thanksgiving themed page shown on the right. And you will love their Covers, Covers, Covers page.
And under the theme of ACE 30th B-day! – there is this cover that I really like from this year shown below.
There is also their Cover-to-Cover with their own newsletter and they include a sample of one of their current newsletters.
While you are on their site exploring be sure to consider joining ACE!! – we can be new members together!

Thank you again to my stamp club friend for sharing such a timely idea! Join me tomorrow for a bit of whimsy here at
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today —
Image upper left and both covers in today’s blog post are from the Art Cover Exchange (ACE) – Art, Philately, Friendship and Correspondence
My Stamp Club Friend with the Wilmington Philatelic Society for discovering the Art Cover Exchange and suggesting the topic for a blog post here at