It’s Tuesday and what a delight to find the Author, Tom Hegg, reading “A Cup of Christmas Tea”. Have you ever read it? Although the book was first published in 1982 I had not added it to my collection of Christmas books. I will now!
Today’s blog post coincides with today being International Tea Day – the timing is amazing to me and truly serendipitous.
He “is best known for selling 1.5 million copies of his first book, A Cup of Christmas Tea, illustrated by Warren Hanson. …Hegg wrote A Cup of Christmas Tea in 1981, when his pastor asked him to write something for his church’s 125th anniversary. Drawing on childhood memories, he composed a straightforward, sentimental poem that brought tears to his audience’s eyes. First published in 1982, it’s been a seasonal best-seller ever since.”
Here is the Author Tom Hegg reading “A Cup of Christmas Tea” – it is less than 7 1/2 minutes
Perhaps you will consider adding this to your family tradition of books to read aloud this Christmas season.
Here’s to making the time for us to spend with our special family members! If distance is an issue perhaps a letter you write and enclose in your Christmas card and send to them – and mention your virtual cup of tea with them when writing!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today —
Image above of Cover “A Cup of Christmas Tea” by Tom Hegg as shown on Biblio.com
YouTube “A Cup of Christmas Tea” video reading of the book by Tom Hegg. Posted by vidandclip
Excerpt from Wikipedia Tom Hegg