Today we are looking at participating in Creating Our Own Time Capsule Letters. This is included on my list to write about before my 500th daily blog post this Saturday, July 9th.
Tomorrow we will continue this theme of writing to the future in my planned blog post on the Letters To My series.
There is an article with ideas on How to Write Time Capsule Letters. In addition Heritage Time Capsules specializes in products to help you with the entire process, including fundraising ideas.
“{How to Write} Time Capsule Letters”
From April 2013 at the website the article shares ideas of items for your Time Capsule.
“A time capsule is like buried treasure for someone in the future. Imagine that 200 years from now an archaeologist is digging through the ruins of your neighborhood. The items and letters in your time capsule will give him valuable clues about what life was like in the twenty-first century.”
It also suggests from a list of five topic ideas. “Write about photography… Write about food… Write about do-it-yourself projects… Write about transportation and money… Write about trends…” This is a link to the entire article.
Heritage Time Capsules
Over at Heritage Time Capsules the company is “the leading source for time capsules”. Their product line shows them available in Composite Cylinder, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, and Composite Rectangle.
“Heritage Time Capsules are a fantastic method of preserving a moment in time to be remembered and celebrated at some point in the future. The two significant events associated with every Heritage Time capsule are the celebration of putting the articles into the capsule and the celebration when the articles are unearthed from the capsule. Both events provide opportunities to gather together to reflect, to hope, and to enjoy the present.”

Their section on Ideas for a Time Capsule Ceremony has some great suggestions. There is a thorough list of ITEMS to consider to include. To read all of their FAQ items click here including information on how to register it with The International Time Capsule Society. And if you are looking for a creative Fundraising idea they help walk you through it with their 5 simple steps.
Join me tomorrow for my blog post on the Letters To My series. They were first referenced in my May 22 blog post on Worlds Smallest Postal Service. “Leafcutter Designs are the creators of the Letters To My book series which I’ll cover in a future blog post.”
Here’s to making the time for Creating Our Own Time Capsule Letters!
Anchors Aweigh,
Creating Our Own Time Capsule Letters Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Excerpt {How to Write} Time Capsule Letters by Daniella Dautrich at April 29, 2013 @WriteShop
Excerpt and Image above of Composite Cylinder from Heritage Time Capsules website @TimeCapsuleGals blog post Worlds Smallest Postal Service May 22, 2016 written by Helen Rittersporn