Today’s an opportunity to help participate in a request I saw for realizing 100 cards for 100th birthday for Miss Phoebe.
When I came across this blog post over at the Scribbling Glue I’m happy to see there is still time to help promote the request for receiving 100 cards for 100th birthday. Given in that referenced blog post it says she is turning 100 in a couple weeks … so if you want to participate my suggestion would be to send today!
Here are the details from Annie at Scribbling Glue:
“Miss Phoebe is turning 100 in a couple weeks. She doesn’t want a party, but she would welcome cards. If you have a few minutes, perhaps you will send her well-wishes as she celebrates a century of life?
Her address is:
Phoebe Anthony
Golden Rule Nursing Home
20806 Bayside Ave.
Rock Hall, MD 21661″

It is going to be fun exploring the Scribbling Glue site. The Archives for prior blog posts date back to October 2011.
Letter Writers Alliance
I’m delighted to see Scribbling Glue is a fellow member of the Letter Writers Alliance which I joined last year and included in my April 08, 2015 blog post.
“For $5 – yes Five Dollars – it gave me my Lifetime Membership!” And you can too!
In conclusion, the older I get the more I find birthday milestone ages not as old. Here’s a toast to Miss Phoebe on her upcoming birthday turning 100 years young!
Anchors Aweigh,
100 cards for 100th birthday Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today
Excerpt ScribblingGlue October 5, 2016, blog post – Request: 100 cards for 100th birthday
@scribblingglue Tweet 11:55 PM – 5 Oct 2016 “Request: 100 cards for 100th birthday (signal-boosting for a friend) #letterwriting #snailmail”
Link “Miss” Phoebe Turns 100 Simply Bed & Bread October 5, 2016
Image above of Letter Writers Alliance membership card package. blog post: National Card and Letter Writing Month celebrates with “From Me to You” By Helen Rittersporn April 08, 2015