On this first day of March, with it being Ash Wednesday we are looking at Calendar Planning Lent Letters & Lent with Neil Young.
Lent with Neil Young
Over at the InternetMonk website, you will want to check out the blog post yesterday: Lent with Neil Young.
The author Chaplain Mike, who works with a hospice organization, located in central Indiana, shares his unique and creative approach with Lent.
“Each year during Lent, I try to focus some of my musical attention on an artist and/or album from the popular culture of my lifetime in which I find lessons for the Lenten journey.”…
For 2017 he is looking at the journey of Neil Young.
… “All these contrasts and more can be found in the music of Neil Young, my Lenten muse in 2017.”
He then includes a performance of “Philadelphia” for his selection for that blog post.
“…which Young wrote for the Jonathan Demme movie Philadelphia, starring Tom Hanks as a lawyer dying of AIDS.”
And he has already posted his Invitation to Lent today at his site.
Seeing him mention in his blog post “muse” particularly caught my attention, especially having My Three Muses for AnchoredScraps.com. And his twitter blurb mentions he is a Cubs baseball fan!
Calendar Planning Lent Letters
This is a link to my blog post last year on Writing letters of Thanks during Lent.
With Lent beginning today – it runs to Maundy Thursday (April 13). Easter is Sunday, April 16.
While we are looking at dates here are two more: Daylight Saving Time 2017 begins Sunday, March 12. St. Patrick’s Day 2017 will be on Friday, March 17.
In the spirit of Lenten Lunches on Wednesday’s during Lent, I’m planning Wednesday each week as the day for writing Lent Letters to a few dear friends.
I’m closing today’s blog post with the same sentiment from last Ash Wednesday: Here’s to wishing us a peaceful Lenten journey.
Anchors Aweigh,
Calendar Planning Lent Letters Lent with Neil Young AnchoredScraps Daily Blog Recap Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Image above © Alyonkalis | Dreamstime.com – Solar Colorful Watercolor Motivational Poster On The Theme Of Spring Hello March. Vector Photo
InternetMonk Lent with Neil Young by Chaplain Mike excerpt. Link: Lent with Neil Young. @chaplainimonk
AnchoredScraps.com daily blog posts: Writing letters of Thanks during Lent, February 10, 2016; March Madness Milestones March 16, 2015. By Helen Rittersporn.