As of yesterday in his daily blog, there were still a few last copies available of the Seth Godin Titan Collectible “What Does It Sound Like When You Change Your Mind?”, the limited edition collectible hardcover. Think of the largest ‘coffee table’ book ever – and then think even bigger!
As an aside, especially if you are new to reading my daily blog, in my very first blog post here, February 26, 2015, “There’s Been Talk!” it included Seth Godin’s book, What To Do When It’s Your Turn (and it’s always your turn).
The book “What Does It Sound Like When You Change Your Mind”, was codenamed “Titan”. It is 800 pages, oversized, and contains 17 pounds of illustrated collection of the last four years of his work including blog posts, ebooks and rarities. He writes a daily blog!
There were only 6,500 copies of the book printed. 
Quoting Seth Godin from his blog post yesterday –
“As I write this, there are 118 copies left in our Australia warehouse, 113 in Canada, 124 in Europe and just over 400 in the US.” …
The book is priced at $189 plus shipping. You can click here to see a two-and-one-half-minute video with Seth that includes showing the book!
Back in July of last year, my July 12th blog post shared about reserving a copy of this upcoming book. At the time one could order by reserving a copy to help them figure out how much paper to order. I reserved my own copy of the book, and was one of “about 6,000 people raised their hands”.
Over at the History page for the book, Seth mentions back in August, “… we gave the people who had reserved a chance to order the book, and rewarded the earliest super-early adopters by offering to put their names in the front of the book. More than 2,000 people took us up on our offer.”
When my book arrived prior to the Holidays – as promised – it was such a delight to see my name included among the list of earliest super-early adopters in the book!
I’m closing out today’s post with Seth’s famous admonition: “GO MAKE A RUCKUS!”
Anchors Aweigh,
Seth Godin Titan Collectible Attribution & Thank you to the following blog post: The last copies of my big book Both images above, excerpt, and links. #Solvay1927
What To Do When It’s Your Turn (and it’s always your turn) by Seth Godin. blog posts: Reserve a copy of upcoming Seth Godin Book, July 12, 2016. “There’s Been Talk!”, February 26, 2015. By Helen Rittersporn.