Art Deco Mailboxes An Illustrated Design History

Cover Art Deco Mailboxes An Illustrated Design HistoryLocating a hard copy of the book Art Deco Mailboxes An Illustrated Design History is great to see at the USPS website. It has me thinking perhaps there is a Hercule Poirot episode where the key element solving the mystery arrives in a similar looking Art Deco Mailbox! This will definitely be fun to investigate!

The official title of the book is  “Art Deco Mailboxes: An Illustrated Design History by Karen Greene, Lynne Lavelle”.   I’m putting this book on my Christmas wish list this year. It has 150 color illustrations in the book.

“A great gift book for lovers of unsung urban decorative and unique architectural details.”

From my blog post last year. “Image … “N.H. post office, oldest still in same location, turns 200″ August 04, 2016 BY KATHLEEN RONAYNE ASSOCIATED PRESS Portland Press Herald “

Last year my blog post on Hinsdale 200th Anniversary Pictorial Postmark was including this photo of brass mailboxes.

Art Deco Mailboxes An Illustrated Design History

“…Mailboxes and their chutes were once as essential to the operation of any major hotel, office, civic, or residential building as the front door.

In time they developed a decorative role, in a range of styles and materials, and as American art deco architecture flourished in the 1920s and 1930s they became focal points in landmark buildings and public spaces …

A full-color photographic survey of beautiful early mailboxes, highlighting those of the grand art deco period, together with a brief history of the innovative mailbox-and-chute system patented in 1883 by James Cutler of Rochester, New York, Art Deco Mailboxes features dozens of the best examples of this beloved, dynamic design’s realization in the mailboxes of New York City as well as Chicago, Philadelphia, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, and beyond.

The question remains was Hercule Poirot and an Art Deco Mailbox in one of the plot lines? Please contact me if you already know! Thank you!

Anchors Aweigh,  


P.S. This will be great fun sharing when letter writing to pen pals.

Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today –

Art Deco Mailboxes An Illustrated Design History, Image cover, USPSStamps

Excerpt, Barnes & Noble

AnchoredScraps daily blog post: Hinsdale 200th Anniversary Pictorial Postmark, August 23, 2016, by Helen Rittersporn



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