It is a delight to share with you discovering the fantastic StampSmarter Website, and we are celebrating AnchoredScraps 1000th Daily Blog Post Today!
My sincere thank you to all of the AnchoredScraps email blog subscribers. For those who have been with me since the beginning, thank you for being on the daily journey with me and our journey together. Your encouragement and sharing continue to be inspiring. If you are new to my blog, you are here for our next chapter and I’m excited to be continuing to meet new letter writing enthusiasts!
StampSmarter Fantastic Website!

It is serendipitous discovering the fantastic StampSmarter Website, thanks to the email yesterday from the Wilmington Philatelic Society. It was wonderful getting to connect with Don yesterday introducing myself. What truly has me awestruck is the fantastic approach to life Don has taken.
“In 2015 I was diagnosed with a stage 4 cancer and kidney failure forcing me into semi-retirement at age 57. But I have been blessed with a great support system including my family, friends, and fellow hobbyists. This website is my way of ‘giving back’ to our hobby. We have received a great amount of support and assistance from the American Kidney Foundation. In an effort to give back, I am raising money for them. If you would like to learn more or help please visit my kidney page.”
There are two articles in Linn’s Stamp News to mention. Earlier in April StampSmarter website offers a multitude of tools for collectors about the site. “You can learn a lot from Don Denman’s StampSmarter website. … The site is free of advertisements. You can join the group at no charge if you wish to participate in the monthly stamp contest or contribute to online projects.” …
Also, from January 2015, Bill Weiss shares “… It is this same sense of advocacy that inspires me to give back to this hobby in helpful ways: … which I then report to Stamp Smarter, a website designed to help both buyers and sellers through education. I cofounded this website along with Don Denman, a dedicated advocate with the same goals as me.” …
Thank you again, Don, for your creating such a wonderful site with so many tools to help with stamp collecting!
AnchoredScraps First Ever Acrostic Reveal
Thank you to my Mom for strategizing and helping me come up with the first AnchoredScraps Acrostic! Between October 28, 2017, and if you will take the first letter of each day’s blog post – the message is – LETTERWRITINGTONEWPENPALS. Start with daily blog post #976 through today, #1000, with spaces it spells: LETTER WRITING TO NEW PEN PALS! Thanks Mom!
Celebrating AnchoredScraps 1000th Daily Blog Post Today!
Thank you to Richard Porcelli for designing the envelope cachet for Celebrating AnchoredScraps 1000th Daily Blog Post Today! I’ve printed over fifty envelopes for hand canceling! Thank you to Jimmy, Bruce, Wendell, John, and Andy for welcoming me recently as the newest Board Member of WPS.
From the beginning, My Three Muses here at AnchoredScraps have been invaluable: Ellen Fuller, Tally Gordon, and Debbie Mysliviec – thank you so much! My special thanks to Mack Collier for his incredible welcome and interview on #Blogchat Sunday. Seth Godin earlier this month posted his 7000th blog post! – Thank you to Seth for continuing to “Ship” every day, leading by example. My sincere thanks to my local P.E.O. Chapter CX who have enthusiastically cheered me on. Thank you to my wonderful Pen Pals. Thank you to my WordCamp Wilmington friends. And Thank you to Feedblitz for their amazing support and help with their email blog subscribing service. Thank you also to NCBN NC Bloggers Network for your warm welcome!
Thank you to Pen Pal Michele for the handmade card she sent in advance for celebrating today. I got permission in advance for sharing! There were several very special cards received for today and Thank you!
I’ve been thinking about Dad this week, and am very grateful for his ‘lovely parting gift’ with the inspiration for naming AnchoredScraps. My sincere thanks to my husband and our puppy Cooper! As I write this, Cooper has dashed in to kiss me several times AND to get a biscuit! My plan continues to be to blog daily. See you tomorrow for some kind of clever title using One Thousand and One!
Anchors Aweigh,

StampSmarter Fantastic Website & Celebrating AnchoredScraps 1000th Daily Blog Post Today Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today for my daily blog post encouraging letter writing –
Recalling a life and career in the remarkable world of philately, January 13, 2015, 01:40 PM, Linn’s Stamp News, by Bill Weiss, excerpt.
StampSmarter website offers a multitude of tools for collectors, April 11, 2017, 04:38 PM, Linn’s Stamp News, by William F. Sharpe, excerpt.
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Today’s blog post is being added to the category of AnchoredScraps Milestone Blogposts.