Enjoying Letter Writing Local Pen Pals

We are kicking off the last week in November with Letter Writing Local Pen Pals. This is one of my blog topics I’ve had on my list to make sure to post in November!

Enjoying Letter Writing Local Pen Pals

To begin with, one of my pen pals lives less than a 20-minute drive away! It makes for fun when we get together. Recently we have taken to sharing our “finds” of stationery from the dollar store and splitting them up between us.  Also, we are enjoying sharing our respective different rubber stamps; they are great for enhancing our envelopes.

Several of my local Pen Pals are also email blog subscribers here to my daily blog; it is fun to surprise them with a note. One may be getting ready to run another marathon while one is applying to Graduate School!  Sending a handwritten note of encouragement is something I believe is kept long after an email or phone call with the same message.

dreamstime_xs_45965785, for Blogpost on Enjoying Letter Writing Local Pen PalsAnother local Pen Pal has an extremely busy schedule. While we are not getting together as often for lunch, it is nice to get a note in the mail between visits.

It could be you have a shared hobby and sending notes in the mail between club meetings is a great way to stay connected! For example, I’m thinking of notes I send to local stamp club buddies, and there is my local P.E.O. Chapter.

Perhaps that neighbor down the street who sends you a Christmas card each year would be a great local Pen Pal. As we wrap up for today,  I’m hoping you will consider sending a note of encouragement to someone nearby. Who knows, it could be the beginning of being local pen pals!

Anchors Aweigh,  


Letter Writing Local Pen Pals Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today for my daily blog post encouraging letter writing –

Stack of traditional airmail envelopes ID 45965785 Image © Thomas Gowanlock | Dreamstime

AnchoredScraps posts: Letters of Encouragement 4-20-2015; 60 POSTCARDS Rachael Chadwick book 3-12-2017



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