To come across a four-piece Lettering Envelope Addressing Stencil Set is a great way for kicking off a new week! Even better is finding it for $5.60 plus free shipping!
Some of the uses for it include “Envelope Addressing Guide Template for Father’s Day, Thank You Card, Wedding Party Invitation”.
The description includes these two points.
- “Envelopes Guide Set: 3pcs, 5.7 x 4.5 inch, a wide range of envelopes including C6, B6, DL, ZL, C5 sizes. 1pcs,4.5 x 8.7 inch, a wide range of envelopes including DL, ZL, C5 sizes…
- The Ergonomics Design: Considerate ordinate, lines, rows and dots, guide your writing more standardized.”

It has been almost two years since my post on the Lettermate envelope addressing guide 6-22-2016.
Have fun considering one of these Lettering Envelope Addressing options. Here’s to a great week ahead!
Anchors Aweigh,
Lettering Envelope Addressing Stencil Set Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
The Lettering Envelope Addressing Stencil Set, image and excerpt
AnchoredScraps Lettermate envelope addressing guide, 06-22-2016, image