Happy Thanksgiving 2018! I’m grateful for our many blessings especially this year after Hurricane Florence in September. The ecard I’m showing is one of many free ones available over at Dayspring.
With the day also comes memories of previous Thanksgiving meals and loved ones we lift up in our hearts remembering them.
This morning I’m recalling a Thanksgiving day from many years ago when I happen to be walking by and witness my Dad walking into the kitchen to discover one of our Siamese cats, Joe, had his head in the cavity of the turkey. Dad had been getting ready to do the leftovers of the turkey and it was quite funny with him having a few choice words for Joe! This was prior to then a few years later watching the movie with him and Mom of “A Christmas Story” and him then howling with laughter as the Bumpass dogs took off with the Christmas turkey. It was a different holiday meal but I know our own memories were having a field day!
Earlier this week I was sharing about Snoopy Thanksgiving Hallmark eCard. In my previous Thanksgiving Day blog posts here for the past three years they include Linus Prayer from their Thanksgiving special.
This is a link to my Happy Thanksgiving 2017 post that includes the YouTube of Linus’ Thanksgiving prayer from the 1973 animated TV special ‘A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving‘”. And it also includes the ending scene from the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles “where all Steve Martin wanted to do was to get home for Thanksgiving…”
As I mentioned at the beginning of today’s post, I’m very grateful for our many blessings. Here’s to embracing today and the new memories with where we are today that we are creating and sharing with those we love. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving 2018!

Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today for my daily blog post encouraging letter writing –
Dayspring image
AnchoredScraps: Happy Thanksgiving 2016 11-24-2016; Happy Thanksgiving 2015 11-26-2015. Written by Helen Rittersporn