It is a joy to be Celebrating A Christmas Cover Cover of Universal Ship Cancellation Society Magazine by none other but Jimmy Jordan. You are reading the title correctly with A Christmas Cover Cover! It is about one of the covers from his collection being on the cover of the USCS LOG 2018 December magazine.
As a reminder, there is no mail delivery tomorrow, Monday, January 21, 2019, with it being Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
First of all, we have a few vocabulary items, especially if you are not familiar with stamp collecting.

There is “cover” as in the cover of the print magazine for the Universal Ship Cancellation Society Magazine, called the USCS LOG. Secondly, we have the philatelic jargon for “cover” as in on an envelope.
Jimmy is the first person I met with the Wilmington Philatelic Society, right after I began AnchoredScraps in early 2015.
We are beginning with sharing in Jimmy’s words about it. Furthermore, there are several of his envelope covers I have featured in previous blog posts during the almost four years I’ve been blogging daily. At the bottom of today’s post, I am including links to several of them, especially his 9 – 11 Commemoration cancels.
Jimmy Jordan: A Christmas Cover “Cover”
“An item from my collection was chosen by the editor of the USCS LOG, the monthly journal of the Universal Ship Cancellation Society, as the December 2018 cover “cover”. Canceled aboard the U. S. Frigate Constitution on Christmas Day, December 25, 1933, this particular cover commemorates two events. An attractive red and green two line rubber stamped cachet celebrates Christmas Day and the purple “Greetings” cachet is for the Constitution’s San Diego, California port visit. San Diego was the last stop of the West Coast portion of the ships 1932-1934 National Tour.
The reason I added this cover to my collection was not for the cancel or cachet but because I knew, in a small way, the addressee. At the time of this cover Herbert Rommel, Jr. was an 18 year old collector of Naval Covers. He joined the Naval Reserve in 1934 and was commissioned an ensign in 1938. The morning of December 7, 1941 found Ensign Rommel in Pearl Harbor eating breakfast on the USS Oklahoma when the first bombs began to fall. Herb rose rapidly through the ranks during WW2 receiving his first command in 1944. After a long career, he retired from the Navy in 1969 with the rank of Captain. Captain Rommel passed away in 2007.
A scan of the USCS Log cover is attached. The Log is an impressive monthly publication consisting of 32 full color pages printed on quality coated paper stock. I can email a digital copy of the December issue to anyone interested. (It is a large 10 MB file)
Jimmy Jordan”
I’m including this Universal Ship Cancellation Society link.
Here is the cover of the magazine.
I’m including here a close-up of the cover.
Here is a partial listing referencing Jimmy Jordan, my local stamp club buddy, in my AnchoredScraps blog posts
- Jordans Golden Anniversary 2017 Cachet 5-27-2017
- Jupiter Balloon Airmail Flight and 2012 100th Anniversary First North Carolina Air Mail Flight 3-19-2017
- July 4th Special Fancy Pictorial Postmarks 6-26-2016
- Inverted Jenny Stamp 6-05-2016
- 9-11 Commemoration cancels 9-11-2015
My sincere thanks to Jimmy for sharing. It continues to be a joy to learn so much about envelope cancels and stamp collecting through the Wilmington Philatelic Society. If you have an interest in a hobby I cannot encourage you enough to get out and explore with others sharing your interests!
Join me tomorrow as we kick-off the new week. #InCoWriMo2019 is less than two weeks away for writing one letter each day in February! See you tomorrow!
Anchors Aweigh,
P.S. This post is one that I have “fiddled” with writing a LOT to get it just right! I am delighted to be finally posting and sharing it!
P.P.S. Today is daily blog post #1425 since launching on February 26, 2015!
Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today
Jimmy Jordan, Wilmington Philatelic Society
USCS LOG, December 2018 image
AnchoredScraps blog posts as listed above