Piloting Virtual Letter Writing Gathering is our blog focus for today. Given the circumstances of the world right now, I’m seeing an opportunity for us to gather for a series of virtual letter writing gatherings.
First, I’m pulling myself away from spending way too much time under the WordPress Dashboard and really welcome the idea of getting to meet with AnchoredScraps email blog subscribers in a virtual gathering. Second, it is a great way to combine letter writing by sending words of encouragement to others while enjoying the camaraderie of others writing at the same time.

So here it is: if you have an interest in joining me for an hour and a half jam session while we write letters of encouragement please use the contact. I’m providing one here for your name and email. (Your personal information is not going to be shared with anyone.)
In addition, we could be beginning as soon as this Friday!
And finally, just realize being an early adopter will include working through the hiccups with the virtual part.
In case wondering who to write, in the following days will be having A to Z letter-writing ideas for us.
I’m hoping you’ll join in this with me. Looking forward to us meeting some of the others!
Now, I’m heading back to WordPress…
Anchors Aweigh,
P.S. It should go without saying, there is no charge for participating, would just click and join for them.
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