Summer Letter Writing Inspiration is perfect timing for us now as we are in the middle of July 2020!
We are looking at some ideas for putting pen to paper and sending out into the snailmail.

Among my Summer Letter Writing Inspiration ideas, we are recalling Creating Time Capsule Letters and several variations of Writing Letters from (Home) Camp, and even, (yes!) Christmas in July Newsletter.
Before beginning, today’s blog header image you are seeing is my first design using Canva. I’m already loving the intuitive features with it.
Time Capsule Letters Reflecting 2020 Life Right Now
One of the letter writing ideas coming to mind is Creating Our Own Time Capsule Letters.
From my July 6, 2016 blog post, I’m including this brief excerpt:
“It also suggests from a list of five topic ideas. “Write about photography… Write about food… Write about do-it-yourself projects… Write about transportation and money… Write about trends…”

Variations on Writing Letters from (Home) Camp
While we may not have them away at Camp, how make it a Letters from (Home) Camp Theme. My June 24, 2019 blog post includes the Luxeprarie Printable Summer Camp Stationery.

Furthermore, it is fun revisiting the ideas of Summer Camp Writing Coded Letters 070717.
Among the ideas, I include referencing “5 SECRET CODES FOR KIDS TO WRITE A CODED LETTER” by Rebecca Darling.
Christmas in July Newsletter
Go ahead now and begin writing Christmas in July newsletter. And yes, if want, go ahead and mail them out in July!
Then there is the Christmas in July Stationery at blog post from July 25, 2019, which includes the image I’m showing here of their Antique Bells Letterhead, Item # 2013264.
I’ll be having more on this idea in a very soon blog post.
Here’s to seeing Summer Letter Writing Inspiration Ideas now, even while in the midst of a very different Summer this year.
Join me tomorrow for my Wednesday blog post. See you then!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today
AnchoredScraps, please note – above header images from specific AnchoredScraps blog posts are referenced in their blog post link locations