We are greeting the day sharing how much I Love my ETCetera Early Typewriter Collectors’ Association Quarterly Journal!
It is a joy writing today’s blog post topic on this Friday morning! It was last week I received the latest issue of the ETCetera Journal, No. 129 Summer 2020. And just a few weeks prior as a new subscriber was receiving No. 128. The team putting it together reads like a Who’s Who among avid knowledgeable typewriter enthusiasts!
The beautiful photography and indepth articles on the wonderful different collections they share is fantastic! To date, there are 129 issues since beginning in October 1987.
“ETCetera is a full-color journal of historical typewriter topics, published quarterly, with German and Spanish translations.
The mission of the Early Typewriter Collectors’ Association is to support communication and interaction within the community of typewriter lovers and collectors, and to encourage its growth. Our magazine, ETCetera, serves that mission by gathering and sharing knowledge about typewriter history with the community and beyond!”
ETCA Benefits
One of the most amazing things is being able to go back to their very first issue, October 1987, and viewing previous issues online! With 129 issues published, up to Volume 121 is available for viewing online. And oh my gosh, in Volume 121, Summer 2018, there is an article on The Radio Typewriter!!
There is also the ability for ordering back issues on paper. When viewing it, we can see the transformation for the Journal over the years to the full-color magazine it is today transformed from initial newsletter format.
By subscribing to ETCA, one receives “full-color magazine, ETCetera, four times a year, and we’ll keep you informed about major events and opportunities.”
“Membership Benefits
Since 1987, the Early Typewriter Collectors’ Association has been bringing typewriter lovers together. By joining ETCA, you connect to a network of people around the world who appreciate typewriters — as antiques, as windows into history, as feats of engineering, as works of art, and as practical writing machines. You will receive our full-color magazine, ETCetera, four times a year, and we’ll keep you informed about major events and opportunities.”

Before closing, I’m reading there is a newly named Tropical Storm Josephine forming in the Atlantic. While it is not anticipated to gain strength, I am still paying attention! Later today we are planning on meeting with the insurance adjuster for Hurricane Isaias.
Our countdown continues to AnchoredScraps Milestone #2000 daily blog post next Monday, August 17th – with three days to go! See you tomorrow for my Saturday blog post. Until then….
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution thanks to ETCetera