The new USPS Thank You Forever Stamp just arrived on Friday. Its First Day of Issue of August 21, 2020. Happy Sunday!
I’m really excited about being able to pair one of the Thank You stamps with a Thank You Notecard when sending a Thank You letter to someone! 
There are four designs of the new Thank You Forever stamp. It is sold in a sheet of 20 for $11.00, at the First Class rate of 55 cents each stamp.
From the 7-30-2020 Postal Bulletin:
“… The Thank You pane of 20 stamps may not be split and the stamps may not be sold individually.
In 2020, the United States Postal Service issues four new stamps in a pane of 20 available for notes, cards, and letters expressing thanks, and sent to acknowledge a favor, an act of kindness, a job well done, or gifts for any occasion. Highlighted in gold foil are the words “Thank you” in cursive script and an elegant floral design that swirls through and around the words. Each of the four stamps features one of four background colors: blue gray, purple, muted green, and soft maroon…”
Furthermore, for information on ordering the First Day of Issue Postmark (there are 120 days for obtaining by mail), and First Day Covers for the Thank You Forever Stamp, I’m including this link.
Thank you for joining me today. Here’s to a great day ahead! Join me tomorrow as we kick off the new week. See you then.
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following
Postal Bulletin 22551 Stamp Announcement 20:25: Thank You Stamps