On this Veterans Day 2020, we are recognizing the day with gratitude along with Operation Christmas Cards for Our Troops; their deadline to receive from us is by December 1st. <–Note this special letter-writing opportunity time-sensitive deadline.
First, I’m including from my November 11, 2015 blog post this excerpt by Ellen, sharing her sentiments on Veterans Day.
… “The origin of Veterans Day is World War I and relates to the time (the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in1918), when an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allies and Germany…
Veterans Day is often confused with Memorial Day (the fourth Monday in May), which honors American service members who died in service to their country or as a result of injuries incurred during battle. Veterans Day pays tribute to all American veterans, living or dead…”
Furthermore, just like last year’s blog post, I’m happy to see eight of the nine DaySpring Veterans Day eCards are still available – so there a new one this year. Likewise, from my 2018 post, there are several free over at American Greetings Veterans Day eCards.
Operation Christmas Cards for Our Troops
Next, this is my first time writing about sending cards through the USASOA (United Soldiers And Sailors of America).

It is a 501c3 Veteran and Military Service Organization. There are several programs and services on their site including Operation Christmas Cards For Our Troops.
I’m hoping you will consider participating by sending a few cards to them. Be sure to read their Do’s and Don’t’s for sending in your cards along with their mailing address.
“You may begin mailing in your Christmas cards on September 11, 2020 … The deadline for all cards is December 1, 2020.”
Their Operation Christmas Cards For Our Troops flyer mentions no one in their organization receives a salary for their work. Also, that any monies collected are for boxing and shipping costs.
“We are now asking and requesting that anyone who would like to send in cards, please help us to continue this terrific program during this special of the year by making a donation. If you are sending more than 10 cards, please make a tax deductible donation by clicking the donate link or by mailing a check with the cards you are sending…”‘
In addition, I’m seeing a monthly newsletter. Their website News shows a very successful Monthly Food Collection Drive in October, they delivered directly to the VA Homeless Shelter and Resource Center in Washington, D.C.
I’m closing out today’s blog post with one I have used on several previous posts on this day.
“Saying Thank You seems inadequate for expressing the depth and gratitude to our military veterans given all of their sacrifices but nonetheless please accept this sincere Thank You!”
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2036
Veterans Day 2020 Attribution and Thank You to the following:
- DaySpring
- American Greetings
- Ellen, one of My Three Muses here at AnchoredScraps, and these posts Veterans Day – November 11, 2015, DaySpring Veterans Day eCards Free November 10, 2019