We are Celebrating AnchoredScraps 6 Years Anniversary! Two days from today, on February 26, 2021, will be six years ago I posted my first AnchoredScraps blog post here. It continues to be a joy being on this blog journey with you.
In my blog post title card today I’m loving the confetti in its design! Thank you so much to Caleigh for her inspiration of adding it among the other design elements.

Before beginning, I KNOW you will love seeing today’s calendar page from Peanuts. I’m really enjoying each day reading the comic and some of them make their way into my snail mail letters as a little something extra to include with my handwritten note.
AnchoredScraps 6th Year Anniversary
Today’s blog post is # 2067! Thank YOU to each of you for being on this blog journey with me! I’m working on getting out more snail mail. For those of you new to my blog, I’m including this mini-recap since last year and today with big milestones.
Last year we were celebrating my FIVE YEAR Anniversary of blogging daily!
On August 17, 2020, we celebrated AnchoredScraps #2000 daily blog post milestone.
And then on September 6, 2020 upon reaching AnchoredScraps Daily Blog Post Milestone #2020 in 2020 I went on a two week vacation, and upon my return, beginning on September 06, 2020 now blog twice a week on Sunday and Wednesday.
With the adjusted blogging schedule I’m continuing to expand my business website, WP Olympia Training. I find it very rewarding to help small business entrepreneurs navigate the creation of their own branding and WordPress websites using my expertise as a Project Manager.
My sincere heartfelt thanks to each of you for being here. There are so many exciting things coming up for this next year – and so excited about the future!
Remember, Your Letters are priceless and valued!
Before closing, please know how much YOUR writing a letter and sending to someone – KNOW how much they do matter and do make a difference! While the cost of a stamp for postage and a sheet of paper is nominal – the contents of your note is priceless! Long after a text is sent and deleted, or a phone call occurs, our letters are still there for reading and re-reading! Hooray for snail-mail!
In the meantime, know on Friday, among my items celebrating it includes plans for picking up some new items on order over at Thrifty Office Furniture! (Will share in a future blog post!). See you back here on Sunday!
Anchors Aweigh,