Mail Truck Envelope Keychain

We are whimsically looking at the Mail Truck Envelope Keychain along with the survey results from Sunday!  Thank you for your participation with my first survey here at AnchoredScraps. It was one of four we having this month. Our next one will be on Sunday’s post with it open through Tuesday.


Over at Etsy, Sweet Home Family Creations (out of Daleville, Alabama) offers the Mail Truck Keychain.

Mail Truck Envelope Keychain

There are ten different font styles as well as the tassel color having several choices. It is available with optional envelope for $14.00, and without the envelope charm it is $12. In addition, the envelope charm has options, one being in silver glitter background or solid black background. I am really enjoying seeing it can be personalized.

“… This makes it super easy to clean and disinfect and doesn’t ruin the design.
The mail truck keychain can be personalized or it can be left blank…”

In my Sunday blog post, The Handcrafted Letter (2001) by Diane Maurer-Mathison (March 7, 2021), I introduced our first of four surveys we are having for Getting to know you March 2021 Focus (March 3, 2021).

Results Survey 1 Looking at Motivating factors for us writing a letter

It was really fun seeing the results coming in and there was one question that was almost even.  Especially insightful were the thoughtful comments.   Given this blog celebrates letter writing, especially the last question was very impressive seeing how many actually do still WRITE Thank You Notes.
Below are some of the wonderful comments received which I’m sharing with the results of each question.

What inspires you to write a letter?
Season  14.29%  |   Occasion (Congratulatory, Conciliatory, Birthday, …) 85.71 %

“Sharing life with friend or family, no occasion”

“It is the person to person communication that can be read and re-read”

“I am often inspired to write to someone if I pick up a card or some stationery that makes me think of that person. I also like to write from a new and inspiring location I might find.”

“When something reminds me of a friend I may send a note”

“Seasons, occasions, holidays, and those unofficial quirky holidays (such as Popcorn Day, Doughnut Day, Cereal Day) all inspire me to write letters to family, friends, and to two very magnificent pen-pals. However, there is something that sparks the inspiration to write my most enthusiastic letters and that being, whenever I learn about something; when I learn something new. It could be anything: a new cleaning hack (use shaving cream to clean the oven), a newly published book by a shared favorite author, instructions for creating a felt needle case, history of lighthouses”

“Also holidays and general pen pal activity”

“Sometimes just buying the right pack of beautiful postcards make me want to drop notes to everyone on my list:)”

Are you more inclined to write a letter when…

anticipating of an upcoming Holiday 57.14%  |  responding to an event 42.86%

This second question was almost split evenly. On this question there were multiple sentiments sharing “sometimes both”. These were representative of the comments.

“Most of my letters dealing with milestones; most are happy (birthdays and Christmas), but sadly, many are reflective (4-phased grief booklets)”

“The exception is my annual Christmas Letter which is included within my Christmas Card that ALWAYS is hand written and ALWAYS has a short hand written greeting crafted to that particular recipient.”

” I appreciate when people take the time to write in their own hand even if briefly”

” I write more letters on vacation when I am experiencing new and different activities that I want to share.”

How well do you know the person you are writing?

Have known them for years 92.86%  | More of an acquaintance 7.14%
With this one “Pen Pals” was mentioned several times!

“Most of the people I write to are acquaintances, but I have a couple of close relatives that I write to frequently.”

“I’ve known a pen-pal for 4.7 years and my newest pen-pal for 1.3 years. The others that I write to are family, friends, co-workers that I’ve known for at least 10+ years”

Do you write a hand written thank you note when you get a gift?

Yes 92.86%  |  Want to, but somehow doesn’t happen 7.14%   |  No 0%
With this one we had a very large majority who shared they STILL write Thank You Notes! 
Here are a few of representative comments:

“It is easier to call or text. I cherish the handwritten ones that I get. For kids’ birthdays and other celebrations (graduations and weddings), we send checks. For some, it is the only way that we know that they are received. Sadly, letter writing is a lost art. Thank you for encouraging letter writing. Emily Post and my Mom would be proud!”

“My Mother taught me well.”

“I always have the intent but probably only execute at 50 percent.”

“I really try to stick like glue to this sweet responsibility. It’s important to me. Besides, it makes the gift more enjoyable to me – doubled joy!”

As we wrap up, my heartfelt thanks for sharing your insights and for participating! I’ll see you back here on Sunday with Survey #2, which I’ll make a point to post on Sunday morning. In the meantime, this reminder now is the time to get those St. Patrick’s Day cards out into the snail-mail! 

Anchors Aweigh,  


AnchoredScraps #2071

Attribution and thank you to Sweet Home Family Creations referencing above with link



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