The Sea Glass Postcards FayeNewmanDesigns from over the pond in England are beautiful! With the official start of summer less than two weeks away (June 20th, Sunday) the timing is great to be sharing about these Sea Glass Image Postcards. June 20th is Father’s Day too <– it is not too late to get cards into the mail for it!
Earlier this week on Monday, it was a wonderful surprise receiving a snail mail from the newest email blog subscriber here – and he lives in England!! Thank you so much, and I’m getting a reply in the mail to you going out tomorrow.
In reading about the creation of the Sea Glass Postcards it is motivating me to order and add for sending to a few pen pals. At her Etsy Shop, (it lists out of Whitley Bay, England), it includes the background about how she personally photographed some of her favorite sea glass pieces.
They are from her personal collection of “… multi-coloured Seaham sea glass and thought they would make lovely postcards.
Sea Glass Postcards FayeNewmanDesigns

Reading further about them, she shares about the postcards being “… professionally printed on 350gsm matt card stock and feature a sea glass image on one side and is sectioned on the back. The card is matt so any pen will write on the surface (unlike some gloss or laminated surfaces).”
FayeNewmanDesigns on Etsy offers designs individually and/or as a set of four of them. Individually they are $1.48 each, and the postcard set is $4.43. The shipping is showing less than $4 to deliver to me here in North Carolina, USA.
It is funny how I tend to think of sea glass being what I pick up here at the beach locally, and then am reminded how big the world is with this example of sea glass being featured from over the pond! I’m really excited about these postcards and am ordering some now! AND it is inspiring me to consider photographing sea glass when on my next trip to the beach I come across any – stay tuned!
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2097
My thanks and attribution to FayeNewmanDesigns, on Instagram:
P.S. Here’s a link to some of my previous blog posts on Seaglass.