You can take it with you: Small Letter Openers is one of several blog posts in a series I’m going to be doing. As we look at ways to help take our letter writing on the road with us as we begin to be out and about more I’m finding myself looking more for a small letter opener I will have WITH ME to use. This set of five all arriving in the same package – for under $5 total – makes it very affordable!
As I was mentioning above, I’m going to have a series of travel-friendly letter writing items from time to time, with the next one I’m planning to include in my July posts next month.
There are countless times I find myself at the mailbox wanting to look for my small letter opener and use it. Alas! I opt for using the house key, or something else on my keychain because I really am not wanting a paper cut that can happen to me.
Over the course of the past six years of blogging here, there have been a few different smaller-sized letter openers that I have shown here. And with them, also ordering them and trying them out. For this set today, with it being so affordable it is allowing me to have multiples around and to share!
You CAN take it with you: Small Letter Openers

Over at Amazon, the set of five small Vincera Letter Openers is $4.97.
The benefits include a safe design with the blades concealed protecting skin and still being able to glide through envelopes, and simple to use. I’m still finding though, that for placing one in my handbag where I am then reaching in and trying to find that way I will put it inside a slim case around it so it is enclosed.
Just like I find myself sometimes at the dollar store purchasing a package of ten ballpoint pens and placing them around the house so I can have a pen in each drawer so it is on hand, I’m able to place one of these in each of our cars, desks, and in my letter writing travel case (that’s a future post!).
With Father’s Day on Sunday, I’ll see you back here early that morning. In the meantime, here’s to us taking steps to set things up so we CAN take them with us!
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2099
Attribution & Thanks to Amazon listing, link, and image above
P.S. Previous AnchoredScraps blog posts have included these two small letter openers (including blog post link for each with an image from each post below)
- October 19, 2018, Snail Mail Letter Opener
- February 27, 2017, JetPens Ohto Coro Ceramic Letter Opener