You are invited to my upcoming … A Million Thanks Letter Writing Social Event I am co-hosting with Port City Peddler on November 17, 2021 in Wilmington! At the event, we will be handwriting letters to our troops, in time for making their Holiday Letter Deadline of December 1st for receiving them, allowing time to then make their way to the troops.
Furthermore, I’m encouraging those of you not local to consider signing up for hosting a letter writing event yourself (more details on it below!)
This Thursday is Veterans Day 2021. In preparing this post it was a delight to discover A Million Thanks non-profit; since 2004 they have sent over 10 Million letters of thanks to our troops! Further below I share how easy it is for registering to send a letter (letters), and perhaps Veterans Day is a perfect day for hand writing a letter and sending it to them.
“We collect and distribute millions of letters of thanks and support and send them directly to our active, reserve, and veteran military.”
I’m including this screen shot from A Million Thanks landing page
We see with their tabs on their website they include an entire are on sample letters so one does not feel stuck with what to write.
Upon selecting the Where To Send button, the choice is offered for either mailing address for sending them or Local Drop-Off Locations – and their map shows a LOT of locations, with several here in North Carolina.
One of the things I really like with the registering process is it includes clicking two buttons acknowledging understanding criteria for what to send. Then a confirmation email is sent giving the mailing address along with instructions to include a print out of their registration confirmation along with the handwritten letters sending.
“A Million Thanks only accepts handwritten letters and notes for our troops. We no longer accept store bought cards, even when personalized, for our military. Please express your gratitude to our military heroes via a personalized, handwritten letter!”
Consider Hosting Your Own A Million Thanks Letter Writing Event
When registering for hosting A Million Thanks Letter Writing Event, know a confirmation email is on its way to you, including a helpful list detailing “hints and tips for hosting your own letter writing event.“
If you hosting A Million Thanks Letter Writing Social Event, I’m happy to help on zoom preparing; along with helping create poster for your event.

My heartfelt thanks to Port City Peddler here in Wilmington! In calling them on Saturday their enthusiastic response for co-hosting with me at their location is fantastic! This will be my first A Million Thanks Letter Writing Social Event!
Lastly, I hope this finds you enjoying the extra hour of sleep with Daylight Savings Time ending. Spring Ahead, Fall Back as the expression goes!
Here’s to a great week ahead! See you back here next Sunday morning!
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2139
Attribution & Thanks A Million Thanks and Port City Peddler
P.S. Would love to hear from you if you are thinking of attending locally and/or are hosting your own A Million Thanks Letter Writing Social Event!
P.P.S. Sometime in the next week I should be receiving my hardcopy of the book, A Million Thanks by Shauna Fleming, 2005.