We are looking at the 1992 Love envelope and heart stamp from the Love Series. With tomorrow being Valentine’s Day 2022 – we are looking back thirty years ago. AND there are THREE more pictorial postmarks for Valentine’s just arriving in the latest Postal Bulletin since my blog post last Sunday: Loveland, CO; Hartville, WY; and Valentine, TX.
Over at the Mystic Stamp Company website, they have a page of helpful information on the USPS Love Series Stamps. It includes its history and showing stamps from the different years. I’m including them in my list of attributions below with link.
In the almost seven years of blogging here at AnchoredScraps we have included some of the LOVE Series of stamps: 2021 Love stamp, 2020 Made of Hearts, 2018 Love Flourishes, and 2016 Quilled Paper Heart.
Thirty years ago Love envelope and heart stamp 1992 USPS Love Series
From what I’m reading, it was only available in sheets. There were no booklets of it in 1992. In my blog post title card I’m showing a numbered plate block of 4 stamps. I’m including this excerpt from the description for the block.
“On February 6 1992 in Loveland, CO., the USPS issued the 11th addition to the LOVE SERIES. Depicting a large red heart emerging from an open envelope, this 29 cent stamp was designed by Uldis Purins of Boston.”
Lastly, this image from Mystic Stamp Company, #2618 1992 29c Love Series: Envelope and Heart, with stamps available for ordering.
Three more Valentines pictorial postmarks available
In follow-up from last week’s blog post, I’m so happy seeing in the Pictorial Postmarks Announcement on February 10, 2022, three more for Valentines! As mentioning above the locations are Loveland, CO; Hartville, WY; and Valentine, TX. At that link are the full details for requesting by mail the pictorial postmarks.

On an aside, while I’m not personally watching the Superbowl 2022 game underway with the Cincinnati Bengals and Los Angeles Rams, if you are I’m hoping its been a fun game day for you.
Before closing, a warm welcome to our newest email blog subscribers here!
And my heartfelt thanks for the several Valentines cards arriving in my mailbox this week! I’m so grateful for being able to request the Valentines Pictorial Postmarks for my replies sending out!
Here’s to sending you lots of snailmail Valentines love and a great week ahead! It is hard to believe we are less than two weeks away from celebrating AnchoredScraps 7th blog Anniversary, since beginning on February 26, 2015! See you back here next Sunday!
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2153
Attribution and Thank you to
- USPS Postal Bulletin February 10, 2022
- MysticStampCompany Love Series Stamp history information page
- Plate Block #2618 image Amazon of 4 x 29 cents US Postage Stamps 1992 LOVE – RED HEART IN ENVELOPE