There are two Valentines pictorial postmarks available for 2022 … so far! With Valentine’s Day a week from tomorrow I’m sharing about these two in case you are wanting to get your request out shortly to send along with your valentine.
This coming week on Thursday, this next USPS Postal Bulletin will be coming out, and with it I’m hoping for it to include a lot more Valentines pictorial postmarks available this year. In previous years there are usually several different ones available, i.e. in my February 13, 2020 blog post there were three available all with a February 14th date.
Valentines pictorial postmarks available – these with February 1, 2022 date
The first one is for Sharing Everlasting Love on Valentine’s Day Station in Romeo, MI.
- February 1, 2022
- United States Postal Service
- Sharing Everlasting Love on Valentine’s Day Station
- Postmaster
- 119 Church Street
- Romeo, MI 48065-9998
Secondly, the next one is for Valentine’s Day Station in Bliss, NY.
- February 1, 2022
- Valentine’s Day Station
- Valentine’s Day Station
- Postmaster
- 6664 Route 362
- Bliss, NY 14024-9998
Remember, to quote the Pictorial Postmarks Announcement 1-27-2022, “requests must be postmarked no later than 30 days following the requested pictorial postmark date.”
Letter Writing Month Challenges for February 2022 continue to be underway
This year, for 2022 I’m striving to get out at least five letters each week. This week I was able to get out seven; however, I am not putting the pressure on myself that it must be writing a letter each day. I’m calling mine “Helen’s Ode to love of letter writing month – February”.
Furthermore, in my P.S. in my blog post last Sunday, the month of February has several Letter Writing challenges underway. LetterMo, #InCoWriMo,, and check out year round the wonderful A World of Snail Mail Forum. All of these are updated in my blog post from last year on it Why I’m Not Letter Writing Challenge Month in 2021, February 3, 2021
Here is a screen shot of them.
Lastly, here’s to a great week ahead and sending you lots of letter writing hearts! I’ll meet you back here next Sunday.
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2152
Thank you & Attribution to USPS Postal Bulletin 22590

Be sure to check out Heather’s wonderful Valentine’s printables at her CreationsByLouCo for Valentine’s Etsy Shop – one of my favorites! For the frugal enthusiasts who gets to satisfy their wanting to shop amazingly yet be good stewards of their money. I first shared it in my February 9, 2020 blog post, Love and Laughter Valentines Day Printable Stationery.