On Looking at the Letters from Grandpa 2006 book

We are looking at the Letters From Grandpa 2006 book by Dr. Gary K. Walker on this Father’s Day 2022.

First, this reminder the Post Office is closed tomorrow, June 20 for Federal Holiday observing Juneteenth. 

Since the publication of this book, many people have asked me why I wrote these letters and what prompted the particular topics. I began writing letters to our grandchildren because some of them moved away from us! They were not available. Some of the older grandkids were growing into new modes of behavior as high school and college students. It is hard to keep up with eleven grandchildren. New friends, jobs, hobbies, and college took on added importance in their lives. Hey, that is the way it is supposed to be. The letters gave Grandma and me a chance to maintain contact with them. I chose the topics so that I could present positive approaches to the challenges that are typical of people at all ages. I was surprised at the topics that were suggested by the grandkids. They suggested such topics as "Making Friends," "What To Do When People Say And Do Bad Things To You, "Making Wise Decisions," "What Is Happiness," and others. Some of the topics used in the letters were taken from my longtime experience in education. They included such letters as "When Life Hands You a Lemon," How To Make Listening Work For You," "Know Your Resources," "Don't Feed The Gorilla," and "Be a Helping Hand." There are other letters, including letters for the holidays, which were not included in this printing. Maybe they can be included at a future date. Did the grandkids respond to all of the letters in the same way? I don't know. Some posted them in places where they could see and refer to them. I was particularly surprised at the positive response they had for stories of the Bible and personal experiences that I shared in the letters. I don't know if all of the grandkids read all of the letters. I do know that when I would stop writing the letters, either Grandma or I would be reminded by some of the grandkids that they missed receiving the letters. I encourage you to share the letters in this book with youth. I discovered it can be a very rewarding experience. You will be pleasantly surprised at the interest they will have regarding some of the topics covered in the contents of this book and others that will surface when they see that you are interested in what they have to say. Sometimes, it is difficult to communicate with young people. It is particularly difficult during the teen years or the time they are in college. Hey, it was that way with some of us when we were in our youth, but you can do it. Give it a try! In composing these letters into book form, I was aware that many young people do not have parents and grandparents. However, you will notice in the content of the book that I have encouraged young people to seek out older people. There are a lot of us around that are willing to be friends to youth in much the same manner as a grandparent. As I have stated in the book, we may not have all the answers but we can help! It wouldn't hurt for us older people to seek out younger people to give them the benefit of our experience. Think about it! Dr. Gary K.

I’m recalling usually when writing my blog post on this day each year it includes thoughts of my Dad.  For this year though I’m thinking of my Dad’s Dad, Papa. That is why in coming across this book, “Letters From Grandpa” it really caught my attention for today.

On Looking at the Letters from Grandpa 2006 book

In reading the synopsis of it, the sincerity of this really stood out to me:

“I do know that when I would stop writing the letters, either Grandma or I would be reminded by some of the grandkids that they missed receiving the letters. “

And earlier we read the following:

“… began writing letters to our grandchildren because some of them moved away from us! They were not available. Some of the older grandkids were growing into new modes of behavior as high school and college students. It is hard to keep up with eleven grandchildren. New friends, jobs, hobbies, and college took on added importance in their lives. Hey, that is the way it is supposed to be. The letters gave Grandma and me a chance to maintain contact with them. I chose the topics so that I could present positive approaches to the challenges that are typical of people at all ages…”

Furthermore, I am finding the paperback book available for less than $10 on Amazon, AbeBooks, and ebay to name a few sites (ISBN 13: 9780977932207). I’m looking forward to receiving it from ordering it today.

Recalling my Papa

Circling back to my Papa. I do not have a single letter written by him, nor anything in his handwriting. I’m thinking I need to write out things I recall about him and his stories to me and that way it is my recalling his stories. Something for me to seriously consider undertaking this next year to have for next Father’s Day. How about you? Are you in a similar situation? Or perhaps you can be that person writing to your grandchild letters now to them – which I hope you’ll consider as a priceless gift.

See you back here next Sunday! Wishing you a great week ahead!

Anchors Aweigh,  


AnchoredScraps blog post #2171 On Looking at the Letters from Grandpa 2006 book

Attribution & Thank you to Dr. Gary K. Walker Author, links above to book.


Here’s a link to my 2020 blog post on this day: Ralph Ellison Stamp 2014 Literary Arts Series, Author Invisible Man, Juneteenth.

You may also enjoy my previous post on Fathers Day 2020, June 21, 2020



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