In the spirit of having a little whimsy on this Thursday, here is a question for you – When was the last time you added something funny along with the letter you wrote? (Okay, don’t say it, “when was the last time I wrote a letter period” – play along with the theme here!)
We have some fun things today. Recently I received from my stamp club friend the enclosed #Pluggers cartoon.
And we are following up from yesterday’s blog post because there are comics we can create and include too!
These comics remind me of at least two things:

1) It is fun to surprise our letter recipients including something along with our letter in this case a cartoon clipped out of the newspaper, it could be you downloaded and printed it and included. Or the content itself of what you wrote is a funny story. Also, what we enclose doesn’t have to be “funny” itself but the fact you went to the trouble to include something will have the recipient smiling, ideas include: newspaper clipping, photo, magazine article, recipe card(s), comic cut out from the paper, a comic you created yourself from (and there are hundreds of free printables!), stickers, blank post card, individual packet of tea bag, print out of a favorite blog post, etc. One of my orders of stamps from Edelweiss Post included a individual packet of tea – prompting me to go make a cup of tea and enjoy looking at my new stamps!
2) We need to have a future blog post all about the joy and fun of scotch magic tape to seal our letters with and for other projects too!
This is my first Makebeliefscomix I created today using the free online tool selecting from the characters and images and inserting my captions.

In this example (above) – this is one of the free printables commix template to print, write and color.
Here’s to having fun with the letters we share with our family and friends!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today –
My stamp club friend with the Wilmington Philatelic Society
Comics screen shots from makebeliefscomix by Bill Zimmerman blog post: “Make Beliefs: A Gift For Your Imagination” (book by Bill Zimmerman) October 14, 2015 @MakeBeliefs4U and Complement Thursday with Edelweiss Post April 16, 2015 @EdelweissPost by Helen Rittersporn
Pluggers comic September 17, 2015