We are looking at The Letter Box Project Vending Machine at Boise Public Library which unveiled on June 01; the project is on display through September.
It is staggering to read the pricing is at only 25 cents for each letter!
I’m including a short one minute video from the Idaho Statesman June 23rd article, Who says the art of letter writing is dead? Not Boise. Get a real letter for 25 cents.
Back on September 20, 2016, Personal Handwritten Letter Subscriptions was my blog post about Edelweiss Post, and The Postmark; however, today’s topic is the first of its kind with a vending machine dispensing handwritten letters here at AnchoredScraps.com. We have previously covered hand written postcards and letters being anonymously left around for strangers to pick up, i.e. 60 POSTCARDS Rachael Chadwick book, and Once anonymous letter writer Spreads Joy 24-7; but nothing on a vending machine dispensing handwritten letters! With today being Sunday I’ve included the links to those posts in case you are wanting to linger and read more.
The Letter Box Project Vending Machine at Boise Public Library
‘“The Letter Box Project” was created by Two Quarters Collective — a cousin duo, Nicole MacDonald of Boise and Chris Copelin of Salt Lake City. Their creative vehicle is a rehabbed snack vending machine on the library’s first floor that dispenses handwritten letters for 25 cents apiece. In most cases, but with just a couple exceptions, MacDonald and Copelin have composed the letters themselves.’ …
“…Other letters come with a wax seal or stamped hearts. Letters intended for old friends come wrapped in a map.”
One of the amazing things reading about the project was reading the funding of the $5000 grant, wanting it to be accessible to people with disabilities, and so the “…letters written in large print as well as those embossed in Braille.”

In conclusion, you can read the entire Idaho Statesman article by Anna Webb here. My thanks to Playa Paper for their Tweet on the article.
Next weekend will find us going into the July 4th weekend. Wishing you a great letter writing fountain pen typewriter stamp collecting old-style correspondence kind of day ahead on this last Sunday in June!
Anchors Aweigh,
The Letter Box Project Vending Machine at Boise Public Library Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Idaho Statesman, June 23, 2017, 6:25 PM, Who says the art of letter writing is dead? Not Boise. Get a real letter for 25 cents, by Anna Webb, [email protected]. Excerpt, Image
Idaho Statesman YouTube, “The Letter Box Project”, published on Jun 23, 2017. Image of video, and excerpt of description. @IdahoStatesman
Playa Paper Tweet 10:46 PM – 24 Jun 2017, @PlayaPaper @boisepublib
AnchoredScraps.com daily blog post: Personal Handwritten Letter Subscriptions, September 20, 2016; 60 POSTCARDS Rachael Chadwick book, March 12, 2017; Once anonymous letter writer Spreads Joy 24-7, March 15, 2107; by Helen Rittersporn.