Wonderful Fountain Pen Day 2017!

It is the first Friday in November and that means today is Fountain Pen Day 2017!

Fountain Pen Day takes place “on the first Friday in November each year, Fountain Pen Day is celebrated by enthusiasts worldwide as a time to embrace, promote, and share the use of fountain pens.” 

In 2015 when I counted the Fountain Day Sponsors there were over 105 of them – the website shows 108 for that year!

Fountain Pen Day 2017

With this being the third year for me to blog about this annual event, I’m mindful to point you early in the day to go explore the Fountain Pen Day 2017 SPONSORS page.  At the bottom of the page are Sales and Celebrations listed.

There are two Fountain Pen Shows in November 2017 I’m seeing listed: one this weekend in Columbus, OH. USA November 2nd – 5th; and another one in Sheffield, UK. on November 26th.

If you have been considering exploring getting a fountain pen for your letter writing, today is a great day to have fun exploring the many promotions underway! Happy Fountain Day 2017!

Anchors Aweigh,  


Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today for my daily blog post encouraging letter writing –

Fountain Pen Day 2017 site, @FountainPenDay

AnchoredScraps Letter Writing blog posts on Fountain Pen Day: Fountain Pen Day 2016 11-04-2016;  Fountain Pen Day 2015 11-06-2015, excerpt



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