The South Haven Mi Sesquicentennial Pictorial Postmark I’m seeing with today’s date, May 10, 2019, is really appealing!
With today being my Birthday I’m especially partial to requesting this one for today’s date with sending a snail mail letter to myself requesting the pictorial postmark!
“The South Haven Post Office is even getting involved by creating a commemorative postal cancellation in honor of the town’s 150th anniversary.”
If you are going to be in the area, I’m including South Haven on Lake Michigan Org, 150 Year Celebration Visitor’s Guide.
Also, this is the information for requesting address.
May 10, 2019
South Haven/Van Buren County Convention and Visitors Bureau
Sesquicentennial Station
PO Box 9998
South Haven, MI 49090-9998
Additionally, the complete details on requesting process can be found at Postal Bulletin 22519 which just came out yesterday.
Also, in that new issue, there are a LOT of really good looking new Pictorial Postmarks available.
Furthermore, the Butler County Philatelic Society, in PA, is having a Pictorial Postmark with May 10 & 11 dates for this weekend.
In conclusion, have fun exploring all of the Pictorial Postmarks available this month! See you tomorrow for my Saturday blog post.
Anchors Aweigh,

P.S. I’m including this link to my AnchoredScraps post from last year on this day, “Celebrating May 10 BirthDAYS, 5-10-2018.
South Haven MI Sesquicentennial Pictorial Postmark Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today
150 years of ‘beautiful sunsets’ South Haven plans a year of sesquicentennial events, By HP STAFF, Mar 10, 2019, The Herald-Palladium
South Haven on Lake Michigan Org, 150 Year Celebration Visitor’s Guide, image
Pictorial Postmarks Announcement Postal Bulletin 22519, (5-9-2019)