Our blog title today is Leaving the Safety of the Cocoon. And the serendipitous timing of Thinking of You Week 2020. It is a joy to be back and getting to catch up with you on this Sunday morning!
Be sure to check out the Toolkit Free Printables Thinking of You Week 2020
First, my thanks to Pen Pal Cathy for sharing with me about it; Thinking of You Week by the Greeting Card Association (GCA) is kicking off tomorrow in the U.S.
Over at the thinkingofyouweekusa website, it includes a page full of Toolkit free printables worth exploring: a card enclosure, a Thinking of You Week Email Banner, a Postcard Template, the Poster letter size I’m showing here, along with ready-made flyers, and tip-sheets. If you only do one thing with exploring their site, be sure to look at this page. Also, we read on their blog about opening mail being ranked as the safest activity on Covid list.
Furthermore, it began in the UK in 2014, and then the GCA bringing it to the US in 2018.
“Thinking of You Week seeks to create a broad awareness for the positive impact a greeting card can have on the recipient – especially when it is unexpected – and create a wave of more meaningful connections and caring throughout the year. “
Be on the lookout of the USPS Thinking of You postmark this month on all of the first-class mail.
Leaving the Safety of the Cocoon
Next, it was wonderful receiving on day 2 a letter from a dear pen pal, the next day writing a long letter in reply.
I’ve been getting lots of sleep, using the treadmill, and even getting a new car battery for my SUV, thankfully the car died after driving home!

And in a follow-up from Hurricane Isaias, there is now a new roof on our home! There was lots of intermittent rain; the process of getting bids for the back porch replacement has begun.
It took a few days to not track the clock every 24-hour window writing its companion daily blog post.
My insight “Leaving the Safety of the Cocoon” I jotted into my new Field Notes on day 2.
Until this two-week vacation, it was my first time for totally unplugging from my daily blog since first beginning here five and a half years ago. Even while away on our 25th Anniversary cruise I never “unplugged”, I was still logging on each day to check, thankfully I did as there was one day with a WordPress scheduling glitch I was able to catch and resolve.
I’m recalling writing previous daily blog posts include McDonald’s using WIFI, Bed & Breakfast weekends, while mandatory evacuated for Hurricane Florence, and even from the emergency room for a family member while awaiting their receiving treatment.
As we all have been continuing to grow over the duration of the past five and a half years, I’m setting bigger goals.
This brings to mind the frequency discussion of quantity vs quality. I am comfortable now with Leaving the Safety of the Cocoon having proven successfully my blogging daily for 2,020 consecutive days.
Beginning today I’m announcing a new AnchoredScraps Blog Posting Schedule of twice a week, each Sunday and Wednesday.
By posting twice a week, this exciting new change will provide the time for writing deeper and more in-depth posts. In addition, it expands my available time to focus on my WordPress Coaching business along with writing and desktop publishing books. I’m excited about this next chapter of AnchoredScraps and having you with me on this journey. There are so many wonderful things coming in the future, including the near future!
Be sure to mark Sundays and Wednesdays on your calendar – see you back here this Wednesday! In the meantime, here’s to Thinking of You Week 2020!
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2,021