The AnchoredScraps Marina Souvenir Postcard View is greeting us today. My special thanks to Joyce for sending this in today. The exact location is Mitchell Park Marina located on the North Fork of Long Island in Greenport, New York.

It is always fun learning about new locations, and Joyce shared this is the Greenport village website. Her husband golfs at Islands End Golf Course and she enjoys strolling to town, walking along the Peconic Bay shoreline…
Joyce and I first met thanks to Mack Collier’s BlogChat when celebrating AnchoredScraps #1000 Milestone and we began pen pal letter writing since then! Thanks again, Mack!
With today being #2017, we are three days away from Milestone #2020 daily blog posts in 2020! See you tomorrow for my Friday blog post as we head into Labor Day 2020 Weekend.
Anchors Aweigh,
P.S. Here’s a clickable image to the #1000 article at