The USPS Letters from Santa is our topic this morning greeting us on how to arrange for SANTA MAIL. It is important before we look at today’s whimsical post, to pause and here are my posts from December 07, 2016 Remembering Pearl Harbor on 75th Anniversary and from 2015.
The weather continues to be rainy and colder than it has been finding me sitting next to the fireplace with hot cocoa for about 15 minutes.
“Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. And the Postal Service™ can help you prove it when Santa replies to your child’s letter to Santa — complete with the North Pole Postmark! The Letters from Santa program adds to the excitement of Christmas and is ideal for interesting youngsters in letter writing, stamps and penmanship.”
“Letters from Santa must be received by the Anchorage, AK, Postmaster no later than December 15. Santa’s helpers in Anchorage, AK, will take care of the rest!”

Here’s a link to their 2017 PDF to read the How, and Tips.
More Santa Mail Types AnchoredScraps Letter Writing blog posts
Christmas Holidays Pictorial Postmarks 2017 11-26-2017;
New Peanuts Letters to Santa Kit at USPS Store 10-09-2017;
A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa 12-10-2016;
Letters from Santa program 12-03-2016;
Santa Mail & Special Holiday Postmarks 12-09-2015
“A Letter From Santa Claus” (Mark Twain) 12-03-2015;
As a reminder, there still is time to send and have your letters received by December 15 for requesting!
Anchors Aweigh,
SANTA MAIL USPS Letters from SantaAttribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Image Letters to Santa ID 58254286 © Justin yoast | Dreamstime
Holiday Newsroom USPS Letters From Santa, Image, Excerpt.
AnchoredScraps letter writing posts as listing above, including Remembering Pearl Harbor on 75th Anniversary 12-07-2016