Welcome letter writing enthusiasts and those new and/or rediscovering the joys of letter writing. We celebrate letter writing here!

AnchoredScraps letter writing blog encourages old-style correspondence through handwritten letters between kindred souls since 2015

Whether the topic focuses on buying your first fountain pen, downloading a printable for jotting down a few whimsical sentiments, sending a post card, dusting off your typewriter, the joys of selecting vintage or new postage to our envelope cachets, adding to our stationery stash, or simply hand-writing a letter – it’s all fun and part of the journey with a blog post by Helen Rittersporn. 

Here you will find ongoing encouragement to regularly carve out a few precious moments to connect with others via “old” styles of correspondence, specifically in letter writing. 

AnchoredScraps Blog Posts

Make Your Own Etch a Sketch Note Card
Helen Rittersporn

Make Your Own Etch a Sketch Note Card

On this Saturday we are looking at How to Make Your Own Etch a Sketch Note Card & I’ve located the discontinued Etch-a-Sketch Classic Game Pen that can still be found online. It is a working version of a real Etch-a-Sketch in pen form, one

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First Supersonic Flight Stamp
Helen Rittersporn

Chuck Yeager & First Supersonic Flight Stamp

Today finds us celebrating Chuck Yeager & First Supersonic Flight Stamp commemorating the October 14, 1947, fantastic achievement.   You are already probably thinking of the 1983 movie “The Right Stuff”. “Chuck” Yeager became the first pilot to break the sound barrier.”   This past February

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100 cards for 100th birthday
Helen Rittersporn

Participate in 100 cards for 100th birthday & LWA

Today’s an opportunity to help participate in a request I saw for realizing 100 cards for 100th birthday for Miss Phoebe. When I came across this blog post over at the Scribbling Glue I’m happy to see there is still time to help promote the request for

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2017 Typewriter Calendar Kickstarter Underway
Helen Rittersporn

2017 Typewriter Calendar Kickstarter Underway

You too can get in on participating as a backer for the 2017 Typewriter Calendar Kickstarter Underway.   It is running through Thu, Nov 3 2016 6:56 AM EDT. It is great fun seeing it blogged about over at The Typosphere. If you love Typewriters there

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Golden Girls Action Figures & Stationery
Helen Rittersporn

Golden Girls Action Figures & Stationery

Reading that “one of the hottest exhibits” this past weekend at the 2016 New York Comic-Con NY were Rose, Dorothy, Blanche and Sophia as Golden Girls Action Figures finds me looking for theme related Stationery. And yes, we are talking about the same The Golden

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Panama Canal Diplomatic History Correspondence
Helen Rittersporn

Panama Canal Diplomatic History Correspondence

If given the choice between reading a 1914 book on Panama Canal Diplomatic History Correspondence or reading a friend’s penpal letters while living in Panama which would you choose? I’m with you! I’m in the process of seeing if she was a penpal back when living

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Beautiful Tranquility 3D Postcard
Helen Rittersporn

Beautiful Tranquility 3D Postcard

When venturing out to the mailbox today it is a delight to find this Beautiful Tranquility 3D Postcard.   It is my first 3D postcard to receive and is fun to see the movement of the butterflies. The Tranquility 3D Postcard is part of the Aliens On

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Archie Comics 75th Anniversary
Helen Rittersporn

Archie Comics 75th Anniversary

On this Saturday morning today’s blog post is on the Archie Comics 75th Anniversary.  It was initially posted from my smart phone earlier this morning in the midst of a power outage. The 44¢ Archie stamp shown is from the 2010 Sunday Funnies series celebrating the

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