Welcome letter writing enthusiasts and those new and/or rediscovering the joys of letter writing. We celebrate letter writing here!

AnchoredScraps letter writing blog encourages old-style correspondence through handwritten letters between kindred souls since 2015

Whether the topic focuses on buying your first fountain pen, downloading a printable for jotting down a few whimsical sentiments, sending a post card, dusting off your typewriter, the joys of selecting vintage or new postage to our envelope cachets, adding to our stationery stash, or simply hand-writing a letter – it’s all fun and part of the journey with a blog post by Helen Rittersporn. 

Here you will find ongoing encouragement to regularly carve out a few precious moments to connect with others via “old” styles of correspondence, specifically in letter writing. 

AnchoredScraps Blog Posts

Thank You Forever Stamp 2020
Helen Rittersporn

Thank You Forever Stamp 2020

The new USPS Thank You Forever Stamp just arrived on Friday. Its First Day of Issue of August 21, 2020. Happy Sunday!  I’m really excited about being able to pair one of the Thank You stamps with a Thank You Notecard when sending a Thank

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Whimsical Wednesday Gone #LetterWriting Printable
Helen Rittersporn

Whimsical Wednesday Gone #LetterWriting Printable

On this Whimsical Wednesday I am enjoying writing a few snail mail letters using my Gone #Letterwriting Printable I’m including for download. Is there someone you have been meaning to drop a letter off to and have just found its too busy? I’m looking

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Sharing a postcard site-ing from yesterday of SnailMail Genuine Souvenir
Helen Rittersporn

SnailMail Genuine Souvenir Postcard Site-ing

This morning we have a SnailMail Genuine Souvenir Postcard site-ing from one of our AnchoredScraps Snail Mail Subscribers. My thanks to Suzanne for her email yesterday sharing it. Before beginning my sincere thanks to each of you for your recent emails, phone calls, text

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