We are celebrating 8 years blog anniversary today for AnchoredScraps! Further below I’m including my whimsical Helen’s List of 8 Reasons to Write A Letter!
First, my heartfelt thanks to Elizabeth for the beautiful flowers that arrived on Friday! (I’ll have a Thank you note into the snail mail this week to her!)
The flowers made for a wonderful way to celebrate the weekend enjoying them, I love that Cooper got into the photo taking with them too as he is in the background! We met through my blog last year. My July 24, 2022 blog post was on her book HeartSpoken celebrating letter writing.

Next, for those of you new to my blog (or those of us having a stroll down memory lane), I’m including this link to my first blog post here where it all started on February 26, 2015. It was appropriately titled “There’s Been Talk!”
I remember when starting out my Mom and I started thinking at around 80 daily blog posts to go to 100, and then having my 1000th Daily Blog posts! (November 21, 2017)

It included in the post this beautiful handmade card from penpal Michele!

And if we fast forward to August 17, 2020 we have us Celebrating AnchoredScraps #2000 daily blog post Milestone Today!

With having the number 8 in mind with this being my 8th Year Blog Anniversary today here we go …
Helen’s Whimsical List of 8 Reasons to Write A Letter!
- The letter lasts longer than a phone call!
- You’ll keep the magnet people in business for posting your letters to the refrigerator or marsh board!
- The postcards make for great souvenirs in your scrapbook
- Take a photo of you mailing the letter and you can text that getting extra credit
- Buying stamps for our letters helps keep the Post Office in business!
- It justifies the stash of all the stationery we have on hand, write one letter and gives an excuse to go buy more stationery!
- Even though it may be hard to put into words we care and love the person, we know the letter touches the soul
- We still love putting pen (or pencil) to paper and even if just dashing off a sticky note and attaching a magazine clipping the time was made to let them know we are thinking of them – they all count as writing and sending a letter!
We are now into Lent and with it next week I’ll be including a nod to Lenten Letters – writing letters to friends of faith during it.
Planning ahead with AnchoredScraps
As I’ve been sharing in this blog post looking back at my first post, my 1000 post, and 2000th post, I’m mindful of what’s next as it has now been eight years!
My blogging plans with AnchoredScraps are to continue to blog until at least my 10th Year Blog Anniversary. Among my wish list is to see if I can get a cachet designed by Richard Porcelli for my 10th! The day of week that year will be a Wednesday with the Post Offices open, whereas today, it being a Sunday not able to get a postmark.
I’m thinking of what I want to cover in the blog over the next two years. On an aside, this is where the Project Manager in me comes through with my planning. Speaking of which earlier this month I successfully completed my PMI recertification for another three years which has me renewed to February 26, 2026 – which falls on my annual blog anniversary date too!
As I close out this blog post for celebrating my 8th year blog anniversary, I continue to be in awe of so many of you still here during this whole blog journey and new friends met along the journey. Thank you for continuing to be here with me! Here’s to a great week ahead – see you back here next Sunday!
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps blog post #2208 Celebrating 8 Years Blog Anniversary Today!
P.S. In case wanting to see them below are the Blog Post Title cards for each years blog anniversary along with links – Enjoy!