This morning we are wrapping up the month with June 2017 AnchoredScraps Daily Blog Recap.
Summer is truly here! How many of us were transported across the country with summer road trips that included Route 66 as children? Memories of family car road trips have me smiling – still feeling the pokes in my side with someone’s elbow while the person was calling out ‘needing elbow room’. There were many creative ways to pass the time and this was without the car having air conditioning! Have you considered recalling one of these stories and putting pen to paper? By including in a letter and sending it helps keep these stories preserved.
Coming across this PostmarkArt of Route 66 by Ken Turmel is captivating, especially if you click on the image and look closely at all the postmarks!

Be sure to check out this link to a 1996 article, Route 66 is Stamping Ground, over at the site.
June 2017 AnchoredScraps Daily Blog Recap
This month we celebrated my 850th Daily Blog post on June 24, 2017! In case you missed any of the daily blog posts this month, or are just wanting to revisit any, they are all listed here for easy reference.
Thank you for having been with me this first half of 2017 blogging daily encouraging old-style correspondence letter writing. Tomorrow, July 01, truly marks the Second Half of the Year Day for 2017! If you were trying to get any letters into the mail by end of First Half/Second Quarter/Month – today is the day!
Did you have a favorite blog post this month? I heard back from several email blog subscribers here who enjoyed the Sea Glass Variety Postcard Prints. The Letter Writing Dog Mountainside Crafts Rubber Stamp finds me waiting for delivery! One person shared they loved the Summer Novelty Ice Cream Sandwich Postcard and are having it for their arts & crafts project this weekend with Nephews. Wishing you a terrific Friday as we head into a long 4th of July 2017 weekend – with July 4th next Tuesday!
Anchors Aweigh,
June 2017 AnchoredScraps Daily Blog Recap Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Image above Vintage Iconic Route 66 Postcard Zazzle
PostmarkArt of Route 66 by Ken Turmel, @Route66Biker Image above. Link to 1996 article, Route 66 is Stamping Ground.
All June 2017 daily blog posts written by Helen Rittersporn. Images from them in the summary above are referenced in their individual blog posts.